those consumers should do their research then, it's like a lot of consumers who buy pc's and laptops from a certain high street store, rather than ordering online. sony cannot be blamed for their ignorance.
sony are selling the console at a loss, i'm surprised as well that they do not include hdmi cables instead of the ones they do normally supply, but lets be honest it is not really a big deal for those that have done their homework.
also i would actually bet on a hdmi cable being provided this time, because it is the new standard, either that or no audio/video cables at all. htc for example do not provide chargers now if i'm right with their phones, companies are trying to cut costs because of the world economy.
I know most people do not usually keep a spare, but they could easily use one of the ones they already have, until the one they have ordered from wherever arrives, was the point i was trying to make.