PlayStation 4 Pro in-bound

Isn't the cpu able to offload some of its workload to the gpu like physics calculations etc? now that there's double the CU's if used wisely by developers it could be interesting

Another good point. So how come if GPUs can do the work of CPUs but CPUs can't do the work of GPUs, why are we still bothering with CPUs? Why not ditch them altogether and just concentrate on improving the capabilities of GPUs? (As in GPGPU?)
Strengths and weaknesses, I imagine. A GPU might be able to do some tasks a CPU does and vice-versa, but you aren't going to be able to combine both into one and maintain the same level of performance.
Because a CPU and a GPU do very different types of jobs and calculations and they are better at their own types of calculations, a basic overly simple explanation and there's better resources out there that will tell you the differences in a lot more detail.

Although as you see GPU's are really stepping up there role in the modern computer.
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I said a while ago the role of the cpu is getting less important, especially where gaming is concerned, APU's now and certainly in the future are going from powerful cpu cores with "token" gpu's thrown in, into what's basically a powerful gpu chip with cpu cores added
I knew I wasn't going mad. Skyrim:SE runs pretty well on the Xbone and PS4 which suggests it's not using the full power of those consoles. Which is probably why

Bethesda has confirmed that the PS4 Pro version of the game renders at a native 4K resolution. Bearing in mind that this is a 4x resolution boost over the base PS4 version, using a GPU with around 2.3x the processing power (plus other enhancements), there is the suggestion that the standard PlayStation 4 hardware may be somewhat under-utilised here.

(digital foundry)
It depends on the job. GPUs are designed for highly parallel floating point jobs. CPUs for general purpose serial tasks, logic etc. You wouldn't use a GPU for if this then that type work, you use it for math.

You need both in a general purpose computer.

Games obviously use GPU for graphics, but there's a ton of general purpose logic that needs to be run on the CPU, that won't ever go away.
This is less than 2 weeks away. Who is excited :D
Thinking about what game will show this off we'll at launch. I will borrow UC4 that's for sure.
Sorry, I'm just a bit lost at why you weren't going mad and unsure on the DF roundup.

Oh, I see. Sorry, it was in a previous post that I stated I thought Skyrim was native 4K and someone said it might have been The Elder Scrolls Online instead. So then I posted my DF quote. Should have linked really but it wouldn't have made much sense as this site doesn't do quotes-within-quotes so the original quote wouldn't have been in the post. :p
I'm getting one, if anything as I am getting a little tired with moving my PS4 up and down from the bedroom to downstairs.

4K TV prices need to come down a little more for my liking, will likely go for a 4K sometime next year.
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