PlayStation 4 Pro in-bound

People jumped from the Xbox to PS4 because of MS, Sony offered a more powerful console for the right price sure and that was a factor but the main reason was because Sony gave the gamer what they wanted where MS tried to tell the gamer what they'd get and if they didn't like it they could always buy the xbox 360... they pushed it as a TV box and not a games console and made you pay for a kinnect whether you wanted it or not, they messed up and paid the price.
People jumped from the Xbox to PS4 because of MS, Sony offered a more powerful console for the right price sure and that was a factor but the main reason was because Sony gave the gamer what they wanted where MS tried to tell the gamer what they'd get and if they didn't like it they could always buy the xbox 360... they pushed it as a TV box and not a games console and made you pay for a kinnect whether you wanted it or not, they messed up and paid the price.

pretty much. Many swapped not for raw power but MS made an ass of E3 2013 and paid the price, they tried to force what they wanted on consumers and they found out just how much consumers loyalties can be changed, and MS have been playing catch up ever since.

I'm sure Sony are crying into all the money the PS4 and the games its sold they have made over the fact that the newer X1 has a better GPU (potentially) due to winning consumers with a product folks wanted to buy with their hard earned money.

Now if Sony were to go on stage and say -

"NEO is better, and if you can't afford to play VR - UHD we have a product for you - its a PS3" then yes Sony can go same route as MS this E3 and spend years repairing the damage.
so? so what? Why take it personally? Do you have shares in MS, do you work for MS? why care?

MS are just a multi billion dollar company that only cares that you spend your hard earned (or not so hard for some) cash on their products, make them work for it.

Everyone did when Sony dropped the ball anyhow. And consumers easily forget past sins from companies, once a company has a hot product, it literally sells itself, and at the moment Sony has it, and MS wants it back, and in the end consumers get better products.

The x1 is a big, ugly under powered machine that had a lot wrong with it at launch, and many made MS pay for the blunder.

Now MS have totally re-designed the current x1 to be much smaller, changed the game-pad, done a lot to win consumers back and you think everyone flip flops as they were mean to MS to start with? Erm hello , reality check.

And now Sony want to try and introduce a newer PS4 to handle VR? Whats the problem? MS don't have VR as yet, Sony does and wants to capitalise on this.

If it stinks or doesn't work, then they'll have to try harder next time to make it work, bin the idea or if it does work, then MS will have to come up with their own VR, again business.

you need to get over yourself. I'm pretty sure MS don't really give a second thought to you anyhow.. They do to your money mind, remember this the next time a company tries to sell a bad product..

You tell me why should I care, then you post as much on the subject :confused:

I personally never found it an ugly machine with my other Av stuff but I guess that's subjective, it was under powered though.
How do you mean MS don't have VR yet? They are making a VR machine, IE buy any VR headset you like and use it like on PC.

I dont feel MS has sold me a "bad product" I got more use and free games etc on this system than any other so far.
You tell me why should I care, then you post as much on the subject :confused:

I personally never found it an ugly machine with my other Av stuff but I guess that's subjective, it was under powered though.
How do you mean MS don't have VR yet? They are making a VR machine, IE buy any VR headset you like and use it like on PC.

I dont feel MS has sold me a "bad product" I got more use and free games etc on this system than any other so far.

Do you like ugly women ? Do I care? No not really, do I care you like and have fun with your x1? no not really.

So tell me, do I care that you don't find it ugly?

: OcUK Mods : please refrain from insulting other members
Andrew House more worried about losing PS4 players to PC. That's his reason for Neo.

House said that one of the key motivations for PlayStation 4 Neo was specifically to prevent high-end users from abandoning the product at an earlier point than its natural eight-year lifespan. “We’ve traditionally seen that some of the core audience tends to gravitate back to high-end PCs at some point because these are the people who want the finest graphical performance,” he said. “So here’s a great opportunity to have them stay within our ecosystem.

“If you are a person who’s just purchased a 4K television, maybe there’s not that much content around right now, so there’s something interesting about games being able to fill that gap and offer that experience. Those are the fundamentals of Neo.”
If Sony dont upgrade the rumoured spec, then the new Xbox will smash it as a 4k machine. Maybe they need to rethink releasing it as PS4 compatible machine and instead just make it a whole new generation.
I'm a little confused here.

Will PS4 games automatically look better in the new console or do they actually have to be coded for it? Will all my old games look better on the Neo?

They may automatically benefit from the extra performance. For example a game which currently struggles to hold its target FPS or which dynamically drops it's resolution when things get too much may not have those issues on the new console. I'm thinking of games like Infamous which target 60FPS but very rarely make it there, I can't see any reason why they wouldn't get a 'free' performance boost.

If they actually want to change the games resolution, target FPS or add in other graphical effects they would need to patch the original game to take advantage of what's available.
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