PlayStation 4 Pro in-bound

Very surprised Sony didn't give any Neo news. Tough act to follow I guess

No, I think they're actually being smart about it. Just like Microsoft, they actually have nothing to show for their next big hardware. Unlike Microsoft, they won't announce it a year and a half before release with no info. I bet they're waiting till they actually have it done to unveil it and show it off, which is a good thing.

It's like those annoying games shown off at E3 that have very little info and won't release within the next couple of years. No point showing something if there's nothing to really say about it and it's nowhere near done.
Andrew House more worried about losing PS4 players to PC. That's his reason for Neo.

I would definitely throw myself into that group. I only started playing games on my PC late last year. And this year alone I've spent well over £1.5k. Changing the GPU three times and purchasing a new ultrawide monitor.

In reality unless consoles become modular there is nothing he can do to stop people like me making that move.
I'd never ditch PlayStation now because their platform exclusives are very appealing to me but I am thinking about a new gaming PC instead of the Xbox even though I was dead against it just a few days ago.
I would definitely throw myself into that group. I only started playing games on my PC late last year. And this year alone I've spent well over £1.5k. Changing the GPU three times and purchasing a new ultrawide monitor.

In reality unless consoles become modular there is nothing he can do to stop people like me making that move.

It's the freedom. We naturally crave it.
People jumped from the Xbox to PS4 because of MS, Sony offered a more powerful console for the right price sure and that was a factor but the main reason was because Sony gave the gamer what they wanted where MS tried to tell the gamer what they'd get and if they didn't like it they could always buy the xbox 360... they pushed it as a TV box and not a games console and made you pay for a kinnect whether you wanted it or not, they messed up and paid the price.

Yeah was a massive strategic error. I feel they are listening a lot more now though.
Maybe I shouldn't have sold my ps4 and Xbox so soon with all the incredible games shown at e3! I was hoping for Neo this year lol

I think most of the games are 2017 anyway so should be fine.

Got £200 for my Xbox one so could upgrade to the Xbox slim for £30 more for the time being plus will be a cheap 4K bluray player.

What are Sony playing at, they need their own S version or 4K player version out asap or will miss a boatload of customers.
Im expecting the ownership of 4K UHDTVs to still be the minority by the time the Neo/Scorpio are replaced - beyond them falling to reasonable prices that makes them appeal to people looking to naturally replace their old TV theres little impetus to buy one when decent 4k content is pretty much non-existent outside of UHD BD. The failure of getting ubiquitous 1080p content is largely the cause of that IMO.

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Is the demand for 4k really that high? I really don't think it is.

Just release a modular console. Problem solved

It's not really that simple. Designing an easily-upgradeable console would be difficult, the console itself and any upgrades would be expensive, and you're still going to be constrained by whatever technology is connecting the upgrades together whereas an entirely new console wouldn't be.

Plenty of consoles in the past have had expansion bays/ports with the intention of adding new hardware, none of them have ever been particularly successful.
Im expecting the ownership of 4K UHDTVs to still be the minority by the time the Neo/Scorpio are replaced - beyond them falling to reasonable prices that makes them appeal to people looking to naturally replace their old TV theres little impetus to buy one when decent 4k content is pretty much non-existent outside of UHD BD. The failure of getting ubiquitous 1080p content is largely the cause of that IMO.

ps3ud0 :cool:

Yep, I bought a new TV at the start of the year and went for a good 1080p one because a similarly-good 4K one would have been twice as expensive. My Blu-rays are 1080p, my games are 1080p, Sky is 1080i. Pointless paying more when I'd see little benefit for at least a couple of years yet.
Yep, I bought a new TV at the start of the year and went for a good 1080p one because a similarly-good 4K one would have been twice as expensive. My Blu-rays are 1080p, my games are 1080p, Sky is 1080i. Pointless paying more when I'd see little benefit for at least a couple of years yet.

This will be the case for a lot of people... Saying that there's still a good chance people will buy either the ps4k or scorpion just cos 4K.... Even if they don't own a 4k TV

Either way I'm sure the graphics will look better and run smoother. But I just can't see the leap being that great.
I would hate to be a person that early adopted 4k UHD and doesnt have a TV set that supports HDR (if it doesnt youve got a 8bit panel not a 10bit one IIRC). The same happened with early HDTVs that didnt have HDMI/HDCP connections.

The HD era makes me very pr-ickly regards jumping early even before you consider how far behind content is. Im still in the old ways of waiting for a TV to die before I replace it...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I would hate to be a person that early adopted 4k UHD and doesnt have a TV set that supports HDR (if it doesnt youve got a 8bit panel not a 10bit one IIRC). The same happened with early HDTVs that didnt have HDMI/HDCP connections.

The HD era makes me very pr-ickly regards jumping early even before you consider how far behind content is. Im still in the old ways of waiting for a TV to die before I replace it...

ps3ud0 :cool:

i agree, i'm still running my trusty old plasma but i'm starting to look at 4K OLED displays but no point when we have very limited 4k content.

new consoles could make me push the button, price of new tvs are dropping into £2k mark i regard as becoming acceptable
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I hope it does release this year. It would be great to have an updated PS4 especially with a UHD player. I just hope it supports all the sound formats like Atmos and DTS X otherwise it wouldn't be much use for the enthusiast 4K movie watcher if that's going to be his only 4K blu ray player.
I'm hoping for a release this year. Can't imagine Sony sitting by while Microsoft release a new console with a 4k bluray player. Also can't imagine Sony releasing this when Scorpio releases as it's seemingly Scorpio will overpower this.
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