To verify your purchase we require a valid ID copy, such as a driving license, passport, national ID card etc. Please also write today's date and ‘’ on a piece of paper with it to prove the copy is real. Can you please reply to this email or send directly to
[email protected] a picture (via smart phone or digital camera) of this. You can hide or block sensitive information such as your ID/Passport number, Expiry Date, Date of Birth etc as we do not require this. We only require your Name and address to be clearly displayed, this information has already been provided to us by PayPal at the time of your purchase.
Our emails are accessed securely on our own server and as per our privacy policy your ID copy will only be used for a one time verification purposes and will be permanently deleted once your account has been verified. Alternatively, we can cancel and immediately fully refund your transaction at any stage.
We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this process may have caused and would like to assure you that all correspondence will be dealt with as a priority by our 24 hour support team.