Playstation Plus

It'll probably be Knack. Sales of that must have dried up by now.

Hmm.. unlikely, it has no DLC, is buggy and is a failry dull game by all acounts, apart from the PS plus version of DC, I don't think full price games will be appearing on PS4 anytime soon.
Hmm.. unlikely, it has no DLC, is buggy and is a failry dull game by all acounts, apart from the PS plus version of DC, I don't think full price games will be appearing on PS4 anytime soon.

Knack - Full priced?

Hmmm ... Sounds like a rip off :p.
I wonder if they'll give us Driveclub and 2 other poor games, or really hit undecided gamers with Driveclub, Knack and another good indie game, to really get them thinking about buying a PS4. Driveclub is obviously big news, backed up by another full or great indie game could be good for them.
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