The games, we pay for the online side of it now not the games.
Exactly as Microsoft did for so many years without any games thrown in at all.
Mate, I had this in another thread, folks seem to forget MS were very content on charging for online for years with nothing other then online being supplied. MS even forced you to have live to use Sky go.
PS+ provided games, auto updating and cloud storage, now all of a sudden MS are super awesome for doing what Sony did for years, if it wasn't for PS+ games for gold would not have come about.
I for one do think paying for online gaming is a rip off, and live I felt was a rip off for years, but I guess times change, and Sony just moved the service into something else, being charged for online gaming is nothing new, but I just felt at the time Sony offered a bit more for your money.
I still think PS+ with auto updating, cloud and the games you get is still good value, and no doubt once the PS+ has a good number of years behind it the selection of free games will improve but its not a complete rip off, just not as good as it once was when it was first launched for PS3.