Playstation Plus

Still waiting on a decent AAA game to come to Playstation Plus. God of War or a Dark Souls PS4 game would be nice

I've said this before but I don't get why Sony isn't giving away some of their first party release games: Killzone, Infamous etc etc.
not going to lie, been a PS+ sub since pretty much the start the service, took a 6 month break just before PS4 released, been a subscriber ever since PS4 released, but no. Not re-subscribing any longer.

Its just not worth it any longer to me, a large percentage of the games I have amassed from PS+ I have not even touched, and the ones I do play or have play I have either exhausted or can pick up for just a few quid such as Resogun and Rocket League.

Taking a break, I never really subbed for the online - past few months haven't seen games I'm interested in.

I'm sure some are finding the service good value, I'm just not one of them any longer.
Disappointing lineup as per usual.

Not sure if I'll renew next year at this rate.
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To be fair I did say in my post that some might be finding great value in PS+.

I never said the games were rubbish or I have hostility towards indie game developers, its just that the money I spend towards PS+ can IMO be put towards other areas in my gaming hobby.

I'd rather select my own indie games, and these are mostly via Steam or PSN as well..

But I do see why you've posted that.
I'd be paying the PS+ sub anyway for the online play.

The games are a plus...the odd gem makes it a nice cherry on top of what I'm getting already.
Still waiting on a decent AAA game to come to Playstation Plus. God of War or a Dark Souls PS4 game would be nice

christ, the state of that PS4 lineup :rolleyes:

Very disappointing as always

Disappointing lineup as per usual.

I honestly don't understand you people... last month there was a standalone DLC based on an "AAA game" (Saints Row). The month before that a full "AAA game" (NBA). The month before we had Tropico 5 - another "AAA game"... but because they aren't the AAA games you want, the service gets bashed? Surely if you want God of War or a Dark Souls game so much, you would have bought it by now?

This month we get two games, both completely different to anything that has been on the instant game collection (i.e. not more "retro" pixel graphic platformers for example), and people still aren't happy.

People are too quick to bash "indie" games, although mention sucessful "indie" games like Rocket League and people generally have a completely different view.

Tetris. They're giving us fancy Tetris.


Except having actually read a review of it - it isn't. It use tetris pieces but actually is a gravity based tower building game. I am quite looking forward to it, especially as it has local multiplayer as well.

Looking forward to Rebel Galaxy as well - not even heard of it until today, and although the reviews suggest it's maybe a bit simplistic (e.g. the movement), a space game would be a nice change.
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^enjoy your tetris.

He makes pretty valid points though.

The point of PS+ games isn't for Sony to give away it's best games/sellers.

If you want a certain game so much, buy it. Treat the PS+ games as a benefit and a chance to see things you might not normally consider.

I think there has been some cracking games, Rocket League, Grim Fandango and SuperMeatBoy were all great. Guacemelee, Limbo, Helldivers, Broken Age, Tropico, Gone Home, NBA. Maybe not AAA but a massive amount of quality in all of those games. All in the past year.
My sub will be due for renew in a few month's, no hesitation about renewing, don't really care about the free games, tropico was good fun though.
From my findings since its gone paid for, psn has been a lot more reliable. I can't say if this is always the case as I dont game every day of the week but from what I have, I cant remember being effected by a single outage this year.

So for me its money well spent if it means a more reliable service.
The best thing for me is probably discovering unknown games I wouldn't have looked twice at previously. How To Survive, Steamworld Dig, Dead Nation, Resogun, Flame On are all examples of this. For that, I am grateful.
I believe the stock game was a bit crap with few courses and events etc but £6!!

yea worth a go at £6.49 right think i'll buy

Paid £12 for a physical copy just over a week ago.

I heard it was shocking when it 1st came out but its just like any other EA golf game, just the first one in years not to have Tiger on it.

Massive EA golf fan here, can remember the Megadrive version, the classic 3-click button system. :D

And you can make your game as hard as you want, try swing difficulty on advanced mode with hard sensitivity :eek:

So easy and relaxing to play alongside other games on my PC too.

Came with an 8gb patch for me tho, i imagine its included in the digital d/l tho :)
He makes pretty valid points though.

The point of PS+ games isn't for Sony to give away it's best games/sellers.

If you want a certain game so much, buy it. Treat the PS+ games as a benefit and a chance to see things you might not normally consider.

I think there has been some cracking games, Rocket League, Grim Fandango and SuperMeatBoy were all great. Guacemelee, Limbo, Helldivers, Broken Age, Tropico, Gone Home, NBA. Maybe not AAA but a massive amount of quality in all of those games. All in the past year.

Yeah, he does make some valid points. My comment was tounge in cheek.

I still don't understand why people are completely happy with the current set up though, free games are nice but I am not entirely happy paying the yearly sub for games that don't interest me and the 'privilege' to play online.

PS+ used to be awesome before it became a requirement.
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