Playstation Plus

Terrible month. Not a single game there I'd even bother to download.

Completely agree

Normally each month I get annoyed by the predictable comments about how poor it is, but this month has to be far and away the worst lineup they have had.

Rush of Blood is the only thing of value, but I would have expected most PSVR owners to already have it if it is a game they would play.
to be fair though, the previous few months have been quite good with infamous, until dawn and MGS
Not to everyone's tastes obviously, but a reasonable month from my point of view.

Was actually thinking of buying a Worms game, as had the urge to play it the other day, so that's a bonus. And Bound looks quite different so will give that a go
Current leak suggests December's Plus games will include:
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition
Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends.
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