Playstation Plus

I've not played a PES game for years, so was looking forward to giving it a go, I'm already 2/3 of the way playing through Detroit which I picked up in a sale a few months ago, so a rubbish month for me too now. Thoroughly enjoying Detroit though.
I love PES and gave sunk many hours into PES 2019 after picking it up cheap in a sale. I've also converted my 8yr old son from FIFA to PES!

Didn't realise they changed it last minute and will be interested to give Detroit a go.

Coincidentally I tried the Horizon demo the other day and although I thought it was reasonably enjoyable, didn't think it was worth a purchase. Will happily play a bit more of it now at no extra cost to me :cool:
damn, already got sniper elite 4 - decent enough but only got through the first few levels before getting a bit bored...mainly due to lackluster AI. Wipeout should be fun though.
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