Playstation Plus

The trophy hide thing is pretty much pointless. It allows you to hide a game's trophies from others but not yourself. Which is obvious really otherwise you wouldn't be able to unhide them. They should have just done what Microsoft do and allow you to delete 0% games. Maybe one day...
The trophy hide thing is pretty much pointless. It allows you to hide a game's trophies from others but not yourself. Which is obvious really otherwise you wouldn't be able to unhide them. They should have just done what Microsoft do and allow you to delete 0% games. Maybe one day...

Just do what I do and don't look at any of them. :p
The trophy hide thing is pretty much pointless. It allows you to hide a game's trophies from others but not yourself. Which is obvious really otherwise you wouldn't be able to unhide them. They should have just done what Microsoft do and allow you to delete 0% games. Maybe one day...

I don't think enough people care about trophies for them to bother.
For a rare few its their entire justification for their whole gaming experience - scary I know...

ps3ud0 :cool:

I'm absolutely gobsmacked anyone cares at all if I'm honest, I just don't get the point at all. No one cares about any one else's gamer score as it's just a flag to show how much free time you have.
I don't even know what the levels mean!

Each type of trophy is worth so many points and so many points make a level. I don't think it's ever been revealed how many. And each level requires more points than the last.

I quite like them. They add value to some games. And I think getting a platinum trophy for a PS3 game is something you should be proud of. Not all trophies are rewarded just for finishing a level or grinding because you have a lot of free time. Some are for skill. But anyway this is not the thread for it and at the end of the day they're like Marmite.
I've been using my brothers PSN ID because I added a years worth of PS+ onto his account (he has a vita I have a PS3), If I use another account I'll lose all my progress on the games I've played. correct ?

Leaving PS Plus:

23rd October: Far Cry 3
23rd October: Mafia 2
23rd October: Spec Ops The Line (NBA 2K13 in UAE)
23rd October: Street Fighter X Tekken
23rd October: Touch My Katamari

Entering PS Plus:

23rd October: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
23rd October: Remember Me
23rd October: Oddworld Strangers Wrath
23rd October: MotorStorm RC
Was looking at MGR:R prices only yesterday so Im happy with that - missed it when my Gameplay pre-order never went through because of the stupid GAME shuffling - love it to play like Vanquish. Remember Me just looks like it never hit its target, neo-Paris looks nice though...

Strangers Wrath is one of my favourite PSN games, such an excellent game, bit annoyed about Motorstorm RC as Ive rebought that twice :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
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