it looked awful since the first trailer.
i really dont understand why it was given to this developer who made the resistance game which also got pretty panned.
could have been the first good online vita game
So the 2 games that Sony were betting their hopes on this Christmas (CoD and AC:Liberation) have both not been anywhere near good as hyped, what do Sony do now to save Vita?
anyone here play Ragnarok Odyssey ? only getting a us/jap release by the looks of it
I didn't get on with Persona 2, is 3 a lot better?
Firmware 2.0 is up.
Adds email and some browser improvements.
Custom screens for psone classics and full custom controls.
Improved screenshots i.e no delay after you take a shot.
Just started persona 3, love it. Got P4 solid gold ordered, will take two weeks so hopefully finished this