What is VLR like - jrpg thing?
Technically, it's a visual novel with two game play elements. There are the 'novel' sections, where you find out more about the story, and the 'escape' sections, where you're put in a room and need to find a way out. The escape rooms usually involve lots of smaller puzzles to help solve a larger one. The basic story is you find yourself trapped in a building with 8 other people, and you're trying to get out. It's a very deep and complex story once you get into it.
What makes the story so good is the branching and different paths the story can take. There are many opportunities within the game to make a decision that affects the story. From little things from choosing what colour door to go through, to deciding whether to ally with or betray someone else.
At any point within the game, you can go back to any part of the story you have previously visited, which allows you to take a different path without replaying big chunks of the game. It's all displayed very nicely on a flow chart (which I've put in a spoiler to prevent this post getting even longer - it's not a spoiler) The flow chart is much larger than this, but showing any more would be a spoiler.
There are about 16 different endings, with certain endings giving an in-depth look at each of the characters. Once you have seen all the endings, you get a 'true ending', which expands on everything even more.
It's a sequel to a game made on the DS, 999: 9 persons, 9 hours, 9 doors. I hadn't played it, and about half way through VLR I read up on the story behind it. It was worth spending 20 minutes doing, as it gives a lot of background information which makes the last half of the game have a bigger impact.