Got mine from Morrisons Might pop out to my local game shortly and grab uncharted
Why did you not get Uncharted in Morrisons with your £25 voucher? I think they were supposed to be selling it for £35.
Got mine from Morrisons Might pop out to my local game shortly and grab uncharted
Got mine from Morrisons Might pop out to my local game shortly and grab uncharted
I never understand why people continue to order from Play, they are the most useless online retailer going, over promise and under deliver. (excuse the pun!).
Surely you would know to order from ShopTo by now??
Just cancel man and go to morrisons, asda or something. Poor effort there play
Does anyone know how long the free pre-order pack will be available for? I want a Vita but I should really sell my X360 first.
Play customer services are useless !
They said I have to wait another 24hours before they dispatch it wtf!
Might just cancel the play order and order with Amazon, as I have prime, I will have the vita tomorrow !
They haven't got the 3G version.
I'm fairly sure the pre order pack is supposed to be only for pre orders. Suppose it depends how much stock shops have. Play appear sold out.
Toys R Us?
Hmm fair play. Sounds like your amazon idea could be your best bet.