***** PlayStation Vita Official Thread *****

PSN - OcUK Username - Games

SirTodge - DBT85
Kinger_8938 - Kinger_8938
Ferrari_F1_27 - Mr Men
Purdy8TV - Purdy
iamfungus2 - funguST
FlukeRogi - FlukeRogi
ryryryan - ryryryan
Aspergian - WatchTower
Mcmanicman - Mcmanicman
andyunderpants - Andypants
shamefull32 - White
pinchez - pumaz
wedgie20 - wedgie
Niivo - Nyvo
cHk4 - cHk4
PlanetOfTheApes - Wakinglimb
Jumblejug - Jumblejug
Muracle - Murray
Torment86 - Sharpz
nogimmix2007 - nogimmix
NeoReloaded - NeoReloaded
Sunny0007 - sunny007
MrMikeh - Quick Mustard
JonnyCasino82 - JonnyCasino
DaBozMan - Vandal - Wipeout 2048 Motorstorm RC
SAFCDan - Dan7

I've requoted as an old list was pasted and missed me and one or two others.
No offence taken :p
Hopefully this one has everyone.

I also took the liberty of adding games - may become unmanageable in the long term but hopefully will work for now.

DBT85 - hope you don't mind my addition to your idea :cool:

Fifa (Trying to play and not very good at it)
Hustle Kings

still waiting for my code off Vodafone for wipeout might have to send a email.The price of some of the games on psn store is crazy.
I've got

Need to get wipeout from voda and use the £5 voucher !

Just played Motorstorm RC demo, it soo fun ! might get that as well !
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we have 3 PSvita's, one for me, and one for my 20yr old son who also got one for his younger brother aged 16. Between us we ordered near enough all the decent games, 13 here,plus all the free ps3 to vita games
what games have everyone got ?

Still waiting on my discount code, going to grab Escape Plan when I get it.

Just went on a spending splurge on the Store!

Retail Cartridges:
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Little Deviants
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance
F1 2011

Table Football
Cliff Diving

Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley
Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite
Megaman Maverick Hunter X

And when they update it to allow Ps One games, I have these all time beauts to go on! (Really hope its something being updated in the next month atleast!)

PS One:
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX

Thinking of either getting WipeOut 2048 tomorrow as I have £17 on a Game Gift Card and £18 on my Game Reward Card.

Really want Rayman but as we all know, Game isnt stocking Ubitsoft games due to having "no shelf space"...

Played all the AR Games and the only one thats left me thinking "meh" is the Table Football one. I like how it uses the cards and lays it all out and the tech for it is amazing, but the controls and slowness of it is just plain boring in my opinion!

Apart from that, this little machine is soooooo fun to use!
Put a couple of episodes of Converted Top Gear in HD on it and its incredible on the OLED Screen!
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Games I got:

Marvel V Capcom 3

Table Football
Cliff Diving
Escape plan - when I get my £5 off voucher

Persona 1

I downloaded the demo of RC motorstorm and I have to say I think I will buy that 2moz great fun game. Downloaded Wipeout demo seems ok not 100% sure if I will buy it just yet will prob wait for it to go down a bit in price. Thinking of getting Blazblue too.
So any of the Vita/PS3 games worth playing on the PS3? Just wondering as a non-Vita owner?
Do you think there will be a 4G model in 2013 ?
Definitely not in 2013, even if there was we wont have a decent coverage 4G network anyway. 2014 seems the earliest...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I downloaded the demo of RC motorstorm and I have to say I think I will buy that 2moz great fun game.

It really is a fun little addictive game. Shame you can't actually directly race against other players, but at the price it is, you can't have everything I guess.

It's still fun going against the times of people on your friends list though. Must admit I find it easier to play on the PS3 - a combination of the bigger screen (helpful as I like the really zoomed out view), and I find you can be a bit more subtle with your driving on the dualshock. Still, fun on either system and a bargain buy.
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