**** Please enable 2FA on your OcUK forum account ****

Done 2FA was simple and easy.

Do we really have to resign in every 30 days?

On top of that, please can you get whoever does the website to have the input field correctly set up as a number input for mobiles so that phones show the number pad when you click the field rather than the standard keyboard
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Done 2FA was simple and easy.

Do we really have to resign in every 30 days?

On top of that, please can you get whoever does the website to have the input field correctly set up as a number input for mobiles so that phones show the number pad when you click the field rather than the standard keyboard
Mine has asked me to re-sign in a couple of times today (since the 2fa force).
5 attempts to login and the ‘backup codes’ didnt work either. Not sure it worth it anymore. Have to resign in every 30 days? Its easier not to tbh. I cant find anywhere in my account setting to delete my account
I've had it enabled for a while. Is there a way to stop it logging you out every 30 days to ask for a new code?

Thats my issue as well.

Sadly it seems the modern trend now days is moving away from long term login sessions.

Seems a bit OTT for a forum, I can understand for the store pages.
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