Pointless replies

This thread if quite promising, after all no one has posted a picture of an owl yet

I agree with your sentiments btw

Chronos-X said:
The one that gets me is "can you back that up with statistics" for things that are generally 'known knowns'!
Sometimes things that are "known knowns" (:confused: ) aren't true, though. Loads of people believe that the average person eats eight spiders in their sleep in their lifetime, for example, because it's one of those things that gets sent around by email.
Scuzi said:
That's obviously a dig at me from the post regarding the rabbits. In that instance you were wrong. I requested a reference to the relevant law in case something had changed but it hadn't. How can what you say be a "known known" if you are wrong in the first place?
Or possibly a dig at those requesting links regarding pedestrians having right of way over vehicles in the road from the B&Q thread.
Gilly said:
Or possibly a dig at those requesting links regarding pedestrians having right of way over vehicles in the road from the B&Q thread.

Possibly. It looks like I've jumped to a conclusion.

Chronos-X, if I jumped to the wrong conclusion, please accept my apology.
The people that right these annoying one liners look like this:


Isotope said:
The people that right these annoying one liners look like this:


/Counts how many lines he has written

Hmm, sometimes all it needs is a one sentence or one word reply if it is a simple question.
Raikiri said:
Hmm, sometimes all it needs is a one sentence or one word reply if it is a simple question.

Yes, I agree entirely. I post the odd one word reply to certain threads if they warrant it. But some threads ask a question to encourage discussion like the example I posted before. One word replies to such threads contribute absolutely nothing to the discussion and might as well say PC+1.

Chronos-X said:
It actually wasn't, but I find your response intriguing :D

Am I forgiven? :o
I suspect the "pointless" replies are due to people wanting to get their post count up. As stated previously, posting "Yes, Yeah, etc" adds nothing more, hence when I find posts such as this I scroll down to where something different appears, or stop reading the thread altogether.
Scuzi said:
I've noticed a lot of pointless replies on the forums recently, mostly in GD.
Yes, but it's GD. Isn't about 80% of it normally pointless ..... on a good day? :)

Scuzi said:
Take this thread for example. It's a good topic of discussion but a lot of the replies are simply "Yes, no, maybe". If you're only going to post one word answers to a topic such as this, why bother? Who cares if your life has changed if you're not going to bother posting even a brief outline of some details?
I don't agree that it's a good topic for discussion. I can't see much scope for any discussion at all. It is certainly a good chance to write your autobiography .... if you so choose.

I don't generally respond to that type of thread at all, for several rrasons, not least of which is privacy, but that one I did respond to because I was able to give literal and accurate answers to all three questions using two one-word answers and one two-word answer. I gave the information requested - and chose not to provide detail beyond that. What's the problem with that? After all, the OP could have added "and why?" to those questions. If he had, he'd have got no answer at all from me.
you have to see General Forum as chatting with your mates and when you do they anser in how many words they like be that 1 , 100 or just a grunt so it shold be no differnt here you write down what you want to contribute to the forum in your own way which suites you
I generally don't post long winded replys if any at all in those types of threads as no one is really going to care what is happening in my life, i'm sure nobody would notice if I wasn't even around anyway. Woe is me227.

I'll write a one word answer for questions that only need it. But I don't get when people repeat a lot of the answers to questions sometimes about 15 mins after the exact same answer has already been said for things.

So you usually get a simple thread with a simple question with about 5 replies all pretty much saying the same thing.
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