Pokemon GO! (2016)

I really don't understand the point of using bots to "play" the game. I much preferred it when maps were available however. It was good fun having a group of us going out to a location and checking for interesting spawns.

With that said, I find GoRadar still works pretty well if you're in a big city. It actually works better in a lot of ways as you can quickly spot where spawn nests are across wide areas, whereas the API based maps could only really scan over small, very targeted areas.

I'm going for the following nests this weekend:

Clefairy: Hyde Park is swarming with them
Eevee: Hyde Park again
Cubone: Primrose Hill
Scyther: Ealing Green
Bulbasaur: Holland Park
Charmander: Acton Common

Hoping to also pick up a Mr Mime or Snorlax while out and about. I can see there's a Mr Mime near Bermondsey right now, but I'm miles away from there!

Did you find or know of any other nests? I'm going into London this weekend so wanna make the most of it. If anyone else knows of some good spots lemme know :)
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The grey circle will be Voltorb, lol :D.

Edit: I saw this a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRo...now_its_a_voltorb_but_to_more_casual_players/

Thanks. I'm such an idiot, I thought it was a broken image and even when I first read your reply I was thinging a Voltorb wouldn't be plain grey, but obviously it was because I'd never caught one....

Anyway, I've seen it nearby the last few evenings so took a different route this time and managed to bag it. :)

Edit - Just noticed your edit with the link. :)
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I'm slightly confused about calculating IV's, I'm using the spreadsheet and in the example it shows the accuracy getting closer as you power it up, but I've just been doing this and entering the details each time I powered up and the percentage changed as below:
73% to 82%
77% to 82%
37% to 82%
37% to 82%
60% to 82%
75% to 82%
26% to 82%
37% to 82%
57% to 82%
75% to 82%
Obviously a bit worrying when it first dropped to 37% to 82%.

Also, I evolved something without powering up either before or afterwards and the percentage changed from 53%-80% to 55% to 68%. I didn't think this was supposed to change when you evolved?

Anyone ideas?
IVs are a set number and don't change.

Using the numbers above you know after the first power up that it's between 77 and 82%. So when you power up and see that it says that it's between 37 and 82% you don't know anything new. The maximum is the same, you already know that it can't be below 77% so you can ignore the 37% because it can't be anything below 77%.

If you want to know exactly what it is you should have noted all the combinations (the actual numbers as in 12/11/13) down each time. So you write down the first lot of combinations from 73 to 82%, then you look at the combinations after powering it up, all the ones that don't match the combinations from the first one can be ignored, you already know that it can't be any of those. It probably won't list all the ones from the first one, only some of them, so you can now eliminate some of the combinations that you got from the first one. You can keep doing this until you get it down to one combination.

I don't know what spreadsheet you're using, but I just use pokeassistant.com :).
Isn't that first image just the same as what I posted? And the second and third are only when you click on the pokestop pokemon, not the grass one?

I'm assuming the grass one means that there's no pokestop near it, so you just have to track it the normal way, which is what people with few pokestops nearby will have to do most of the time even when they get the new tracking.

You can't select the grass ones. Only the pokestop ones. Grass ones are right next to you I think.
IVs are a set number and don't change.

Using the numbers above you know after the first power up that it's between 77 and 82%. So when you power up and see that it says that it's between 37 and 82% you don't know anything new. The maximum is the same, you already know that it can't be below 77% so you can ignore the 37% because it can't be anything below 77%.

If you want to know exactly what it is you should have noted all the combinations (the actual numbers as in 12/11/13) down each time. So you write down the first lot of combinations from 73 to 82%, then you look at the combinations after powering it up, all the ones that don't match the combinations from the first one can be ignored, you already know that it can't be any of those. It probably won't list all the ones from the first one, only some of them, so you can now eliminate some of the combinations that you got from the first one. You can keep doing this until you get it down to one combination.

I don't know what spreadsheet you're using, but I just use pokeassistant.com :).

Thanks. :)

The spreadsheet I'm using is one I downloaded shortly after the game was released from the silphroad page on reddit, I don't really use Reddit but I think it was recommended here. It doesn't seem to give all the attack,def, stamina numbers except in one example on the spreadsheet*, it usually just says stuff like '4 combinations', so I guess it only does when it knows there is only one combination.

*Edit - what an idiot, there is a little expand arrow that shows all the combinations..

Anyway I'll use pokeassistant.com from now as suggested, I've still got all the details I entered into the spreadsheet rather than just the percentage details that I pasted above, so I can pop these details into pokeassistant.com :)

Thanks again. :)
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Anyway I'll use pokeassistant.com from now as suggested, I've still got all the details I entered into the spreadsheet rather than just the percentage details that I pasted above, so I can pop these details into pokeassistant.com :)

Thanks again. :)

Ah nice, if you note the actual combinations down from before any power ups then just cross out any that don't show up on subsequent power ups you should eventually get it down to one combination :).

No probs :).
SO finally got 400 Magikarp candy. Evolved Magicarp - Gyarados has Twister :(:(

I had same with a polywrath
Saved up loads of poliwag candies and ended up with an unusable pokemon.

With moves being random and no ability to teach all the work put in can give zero reward.

But doesn't really matter, battling is worthless in this game.
Little xp reward.

Also, question for you IV keen guys. Why are you putting all the effort into this? I can understand it if you are always battling but seems like not many do that.
IVs in the old games was important as battling was core component. But not here
Does the power of the special move increase as you power up with stardust and candies? I haven't been checking as I power up the pokemon.

Also, I always get beaten by Solar Beam(Eggxecutor) and Hyper Beam (Snorlax). Are these moves unique to these two types of pokemon or can other types have them? As yet I haven't found a single Snorlax!

The power of the move stays the same, think of it as a multiplier, the thing that increases as a pokemon levels is it's Attack stat which increases the damage it does.

Lots of pokemon can use Hyper Beam, mainly grass types use Solar Beam.
Given up on this game. I hugely enjoy it but having just returned from my honeymoon in the Maldives, I have found the latest revisions very buggy.

I keep getting an error message saying 'GPS connection lost' or something similar. FO it's fine thanks. Then I get a seemingly invincible CP10 Zubat or Pidgey that deflects every ball thrown at it - either that or the balls just go perfectly through them. Collision detection issues or what?

I am just finding it quite buggy of late and just cba with the repetitiveness of it all since I rarely see exotic creatures around here apart from Pidgeys, Ratatatatas, Zubats and those yellow bears!
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