Pokemon GO! (2016)

That was my thoughts also. You will notice the effects of the change more when you get higher in the levels. I think they severely increased the difficulty for lvl 20 onwards to slow people down.

I hit level 23 over the weekend so no doubt I'll see the affects at some point! Could explain why I've run out of Pokeballs twice now where previously I had a nice stash
Lets see your top 12

I don't think the difficulty to catch was in a patch, I just think it does it as you level up. I know I noticed it and I've not played for a week.
How so??

I've not seen any negatives from the update...

It's hard to find things round here so lack of tracker makes it harder, but think the main thing is the errors, the difficulty getting balls due to increased difficulties to catch
Lack of new pokemon

Like said, pretty much exhausted all pokemon around. If take phone out at lunch probably going to reduce battery life by a lot, catch nothing of game will glitch.

But overall think it's just not exciting
....I dislike that they have made capturing a lot harder. I now don't bother with a Pokemon unless it is one I don't have, very low cp, extremely high cp or one that I am collecting for candy. Before I used to spam for all Pokemon. Now I can go up against a Pidgey and waste 10 balls.
I have started to do this as well!
That was my thoughts also. You will notice the effects of the change more when you get higher in the levels. I think they severely increased the difficulty for lvl 20 onwards to slow people down.
It could be this as I also hit level 23 at the weekend, so maybe it is just a coincidence that the patch arrived at the same time.

The nearby screen still sort of works, but surely their ultimate aim is to have some sort of "hotter/colder" feature like when the 3 footsteps worked in the first week of release. I saw 2 electrabuzz earlier on nearby and they both appeared in the park opposite me when I walked there. I think it is (on a simple level) just showing you the 9 closest pokemon in the closest active spawn points, it's just most people don't know where the spawn points are?

Edit: The 10k eggs still elude me, for some reason. I am now level 23 and have hatched 50 eggs, but not a single 10k one has appeared (as far as I can see there is no way to get rid of the eggs apart from hatching, so I can't have discarded it etc).

That was my thoughts also. You will notice the effects of the change more when you get higher in the levels. I think they severely increased the difficulty for lvl 20 onwards to slow people down.

I hit 20 the other day and am finding the game infuriating for catching even cp70 pidgeys and rattatas. Multiple balls required every time. There aren't many stops around me so I'm now having to be careful with what I go for, which in turn is going to really slow my progress.
Well the lack of pokevision doesn't bother me but the crazy new escape rate might. I haven't leveled for a few days but it definitely changed yesterday, noticing a massive difference. It's not just that I'm running out of balls but it's simply no fun.
Well the lack of pokevision doesn't bother me but the crazy new escape rate might. I haven't leveled for a few days but it definitely changed yesterday, noticing a massive difference. It's not just that I'm running out of balls but it's simply no fun.

Yep definitely escape more and run away a lot more too. Also seem to have changed the hitboxes/angle of the pokemon when not using AR
I have started to do this as well!

It could be this as I also hit level 23 at the weekend, so maybe it is just a coincidence that the patch arrived at the same time.

The nearby screen still sort of works, but surely their ultimate aim is to have some sort of "hotter/colder" feature like when the 3 footsteps worked in the first week of release. I saw 2 electrabuzz earlier on nearby and they both appeared in the park opposite me when I walked there. I think it is (on a simple level) just showing you the 9 closest pokemon in the closest active spawn points, it's just most people don't know where the spawn points are?

Edit: The 10k eggs still elude me, for some reason. I am now level 23 and have hatched 50 eggs, but not a single 10k one has appeared (as far as I can see there is no way to get rid of the eggs apart from hatching, so I can't have discarded it etc).


It's not. Just your level.
On walk to lunch I got the game out and had an easy pidgey run from me, an d a gastley run from me
My workmate used 5 balls on an easy pidgey and it range. This never happened before.

Don't know what Niantic are trying to do, I suspect they are trying to get people to buy balls etc but even 20 balls are going to run out in 2 or 3 pokemon time.

Think they've killed it haven't they?
Or maybe it's a method of reducing server overload by whittling out the causal non paying players?
I was a casual player. No way I was spending money on a short lived game.
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I think the catch rate change is a twofold thing.

1. It makes even people with easy and constant pokestop access rinse through balls, so cha-ching.

2. Severely dampens the ability to grind the 12 candy evolves, I no longer bother with them as I don't think the 3-5 ball trade-off is worth it. This slows down level progress, they seem to be worried people will reach the cap too quickly, but only a small percentage of players (hardcore no-lifers or hackers) are ever likely to get that far anytime soon.

It's a big old fail though, as if I no longer feel like I am progressing in a game, then I very quickly stop wanting to play.

Gym battles are much closer than the old water gun spam, but potions also seem to have a significantly reduced drop rate, which is odd as they aren't monetized. As a guess, maybe they want rampant gym attacks to reduce as well, so increasing how much damage attackers take whilst reducing the amount of healing available should make people more selective in the gyms they choose to attack.
I think the catch rate change is a twofold thing.

1. It makes even people with easy and constant pokestop access rinse through balls, so cha-ching.

2. Severely dampens the ability to grind the 12 candy evolves, I no longer bother with them as I don't think the 3-5 ball trade-off is worth it. This slows down level progress, they seem to be worried people will reach the cap too quickly, but only a small percentage of players (hardcore no-lifers or hackers) are ever likely to get that far anytime soon.

It's a big old fail though, as if I no longer feel like I am progressing in a game, then I very quickly stop wanting to play.

Gym battles are much closer than the old water gun spam, but potions also seem to have a significantly reduced drop rate, which is odd as they aren't monetized. As a guess, maybe they want rampant gym attacks to reduce as well, so increasing how much damage attackers take whilst reducing the amount of healing available should make people more selective in the gyms they choose to attack.

It's further extended the advantage of early race ahead players. As they have all the good pokemon and those without the goal posts have switched.
At same time they haven't given any realistic 'goals' to casual players. Such as battles with friends.
Constant progression was the strength of the original games and now it's gone.

For example of it took me 7 days to get 200 Magikarp candy. Now it would take weeks to get the next. Where as those with it already are done.
Have to concur with capture rates dropping form me yesterday. Was constantly running out of balls. Pidgey under 200CP would usually be a banker with a normal ball, but yesterday, I wasted loads, only for it to bloody get away. So, I also started becoming more selective about what I collected.
Yep definitely escape more and run away a lot more too. Also seem to have changed the hitboxes/angle of the pokemon when not using AR

I did find the hit box thing different, had a nightmare with my curveballs which would normally be nailed on hits before.

The extra escape stuff had been irritating me, I've went from 100+ balls to 0 through the amount of escapes. I now need to go and bang pokestops constantly to keep going which is rather irritating as I have nothing around me.

I'm still going but it's testing my patience.
Have to concur with capture rates dropping form me yesterday. Was constantly running out of balls. Pidgey under 200CP would usually be a banker with a normal ball, but yesterday, I wasted loads, only for it to bloody get away. So, I also started becoming more selective about what I collected.

I've noticed this too...

Has anyone noticed fewer Pokemon lurking around in general?

Been on a walk this lunchtime and iN total I found two Weedles and a Pidgey. One 100CP Weedle ran away.

Seems to be more difficult.

Last week I was getting a greater variety much more often.
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