Pokemon GO! (2016)

There is a Bulbasaur spot not far from home. That doesn't seem to have changed. It gave me a 558 one this morning.
The game is still getting on my nerves, just had a cp436 seal, gave it a raspberry and got a great shot with an ultra ball, lyt it broke free and ran after one attempt, there's literally nothing more I could have done to capture it, why bother spawning if its impossible to catch?

Every pokemon has a catch-rate, and balls, throws and berries only modify that.

Some data extract had pidgeys being a 40% catch rate, whereas a wartortle was 8% (this is unconfirmed), and it is believed that these are also modified by the level of the pokemon, and the ranges are denoted by the colour of the catch ring.

The unproven theory is then that the ball you use, if you get a nice/great/excellent throw, and if you use a curveball, all influence that catch rate.

So hypothetically making figures up:
Normal pokeball: no catch modifier
Great ball: +20% catch
Ultra ball: +40% catch
Nice: +10% catch
Great: +20% catch
Excellent: +30% catch
Curve: +10% catch
Razz berry: +20% catch (or maybe this doesn't influence catch directly, but reduces the flee chance on escape).

You throw a normal pokeball, with no curve, and land outside the green coloured circle on a pidgey. RNG gives you a 40% chance to catch it.

You do the exact same, but with an Ultra ball. RNG give you a 56% chance (40% of 40 is 16, so 16% is added to your catch chance).

You land an excellent curveball with an Ultra. Chance is 72%.

The exact same three throws, but against a wartortle would be 8%, 11.2% and 14.4%.

Just an example, obviously there is more to it, possibly pokemon level relative to trainer level, etc
What the heck is wrong with the GPS? I'm sitting in my bedroom yet my character has just run right across town and now is in the middle of a golf course! I even got an Alakazam that was spawned there as a result. Never seen it get it that wrong before.
What the heck is wrong with the GPS? I'm sitting in my bedroom yet my character has just run right across town and now is in the middle of a golf course! I even got an Alakazam that was spawned there as a result. Never seen it get it that wrong before.

More likely your phone, my GPS doesn't track in my office unless I've got the WiFi on, I noticed the accuracy can vary dependent on whether you've got the WiFi on as well.

Interesting morning, totally messed up 1600+ CP Snorlax in a gym today with my 1100 CP Pidgeot ;)
If you're in west London, Bulbasaurs spawn like crazy in Holland Park. Caught 5 in about an hour on Sunday. Charmanders spawn on Acton Common just outside Turnham Green station - not in huge numbers, but there's often one or two an hour.

And for those hunting Dratini's, I still see them regularly in Chiswick Business Park. I get one or two a day.

Had rubbish luck this morning (other than picking up a Dratini). Blastoise spawn outside the office.. red ring, razz berry, 2 ultra balls, then he ran away :mad: Immediately after, my 10K egg hatched and out popped Jynx. Possibly the worst one possible from a 10K :(
The game is still getting on my nerves, just had a cp436 seal, gave it a raspberry and got a great shot with an ultra ball, lyt it broke free and ran after one attempt, there's literally nothing more I could have done to capture it, why bother spawning if its impossible to catch?

It's called a bit of randomisation?

Personally it would be boring as hell if you just caught everything in one go.

Tbh the harder pokemons should move about on the screen while you're trying to catch them :p
Every pokemon has a catch-rate, and balls, throws and berries only modify that.

Some data extract had pidgeys being a 40% catch rate, whereas a wartortle was 8% (this is unconfirmed), and it is believed that these are also modified by the level of the pokemon, and the ranges are denoted by the colour of the catch ring.

The unproven theory is then that the ball you use, if you get a nice/great/excellent throw, and if you use a curveball, all influence that catch rate.

So hypothetically making figures up:
Normal pokeball: no catch modifier
Great ball: +20% catch
Ultra ball: +40% catch
Nice: +10% catch
Great: +20% catch
Excellent: +30% catch
Curve: +10% catch
Razz berry: +20% catch (or maybe this doesn't influence catch directly, but reduces the flee chance on escape).

You throw a normal pokeball, with no curve, and land outside the green coloured circle on a pidgey. RNG gives you a 40% chance to catch it.

You do the exact same, but with an Ultra ball. RNG give you a 56% chance (40% of 40 is 16, so 16% is added to your catch chance).

You land an excellent curveball with an Ultra. Chance is 72%.

The exact same three throws, but against a wartortle would be 8%, 11.2% and 14.4%.

Just an example, obviously there is more to it, possibly pokemon level relative to trainer level, etc

Saw a Blastoise Spawn when i was in a taxi going past Euston Train Station in London at the weekend. By the time I realized what was going on it wouldn't let me catch it and just kept saying too far away :(
Pokémon has told me I have no balls :(

Have you tried checking between your legs ;)?

Went to Canary Wharf, Mr Mine is definitely gone. I have noticed there is considerably more Slowpokes however and caught enough to evolve a Slowbro. There's a bunch of Magikarps as well but wasn't there long enough to catch them all :p.
Getting a little frustrated with the increased difficulty of catching Pokémon now. Half the balls now either bounce off for no reason or the Pokémon dodges straight after you release your finger. And then when you do catch them. They break out!!

Maybe I was just spoilt in the early days.
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Saw pikachu again, little bugger escaped :(

I'm fated to never get a pikachu, I really find curveballs much more difficult since the patch.
Saw pikachu again, little bugger escaped :(

I'm fated to never get a pikachu, I really find curveballs much more difficult since the patch.

I have no idea where Pikachu is now in London since they moved the spawns. Even the Pokevision alternatives are showing nothing at the moment.
Well despite my pikachu disappointment I actually had a good day.

First catches of Kingler, Arcanite, Geodude, Manky, Clefairy, Weepinbell, Seaking and Haunter :p as well as a load of stuff I needed to help do some evolves I haven't got when I get the time. That was all in a post work 45min session in Lincoln so happy with that.

Now I'm used to the changes I'm kind of accepting of the escape changes, I don't like them but fine, the one thing as I mentioned above which is really irritating me is the curveball throw. Before they followed the same rules but my perception is that Pokemon dependent the rules on the throw seem different, finding it impossible to get consistency.

Had a laugh at my little pokestop haven it's so popular now there must have been about 15-30 cars parked up (on double yellows) and hordes of people walking around at 8pm this evening. Someone must have been worried as the police turned up lol, they were making people move their cars I was half expecting a Pokemon based riot to kick off as people didn't look happy haha :D
I had two 10K eggs on the go and both hatched today. Can't believe my good luck!!!



Now if only a darn Pikachu would spawn near me or come out of an egg!
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