Pokemon Go

Depends which Raichu, the normal one can be quite easy with the correct counters as a solo, the alolan form has a few better counter options.

You'd ideally need to use some Groudon's, Rhyperiors or Rhydon's with Mudslap/Earthquake. I think I read somewhere 1 Lvl 40 Groudon can take out the Raichu without fainting, not sure if it was BS tho.

Alolan forme, you can use Tyranitar with bite/crunch or Mewtwo with Shadow ball if you have any.

Unfortunately we don't have any of those pokemon. We managed to beat a 3* raid yesterday and caught an Exeggutor at least.

Our trainer codes are; 1257 0755 4526 and 3353 2511 3977 if anyone can add us. We'll gift regularly if you're able to as well.
I'll add you on both mine and my GFs (SteLOLism & J0llyb0yj0hn). Help you get a bit of XP. Don't need to co-ord on the lucky egg, you can just crack on when you want.

I'd offer you a few of the above, but unless you're in Belfast not much of a chance :D

Once Machamps (T3) and Tyranitars (T4) are back in raids, try and do them. Machamps can be easily duo'd with some Espeons, infact if you get enough Lvl30 + Espeons they can be solo'd. Then use the Machamps to duo a Tyranitar, need to be around Lvl35 though, so you would need to at least be Lvl33 to power up that much.

Any PoGo communities in your area? Would be good to get a few Rayquazza raids while they're around, handy to have a few.
At the time when that quest was launched the shiny had just been released and Aero was readily available through research as part of an accompanying event. If you rattled through the quest quickly whilst the event was on, everything you needed was readily available and it was easy. If you were slow off the mark and didn't finish before the event ended then it was always gonig to be a long slog to finish. I think they've learned from that and newer special research quests have less of a dependence upon boosted event spawns.

I have to admit I have noticed a correlation with bumped encounters of once previously rare encounters, to only then find out there a requirement of a upcoming quest I've been slow to get round to. its frustrating when you've been ignorant to it.
I'll add you on both mine and my GFs (SteLOLism & J0llyb0yj0hn). Help you get a bit of XP. Don't need to co-ord on the lucky egg, you can just crack on when you want.

I'd offer you a few of the above, but unless you're in Belfast not much of a chance :D

Once Machamps (T3) and Tyranitars (T4) are back in raids, try and do them. Machamps can be easily duo'd with some Espeons, infact if you get enough Lvl30 + Espeons they can be solo'd. Then use the Machamps to duo a Tyranitar, need to be around Lvl35 though, so you would need to at least be Lvl33 to power up that much.

Any PoGo communities in your area? Would be good to get a few Rayquazza raids while they're around, handy to have a few.

Great thanks very much.

Based in Newcastle so I'd imagine there will be some but I'll need to have a look. I have noticed lots of rayquazza raids recently.
Oh my God, will someone please knock my Dragonite off this gym. It's been over a week. People keep giving it berries to power it up!

Managed to grab a Mewtwo today at Paddington station. Joined 5 other randoms... Caught him in last 10 seconds and went through 11 pokemon during the battle ! Well pleased.
Managed to grab a Mewtwo today at Paddington station. Joined 5 other randoms... Caught him in last 10 seconds and went through 11 pokemon during the battle ! Well pleased.

Nice :) You'll be able to solo a machamp 3* raid if you power it up a bit.
Nice :) You'll be able to solo a machamp 3* raid if you power it up a bit.
was solo'ing machamp before i got mewtwo when i was around lvl 32. couple of lugia's from weekly research reward earlier this year powered up did most of the damage. Just powered up two of my mewtwo's to lvl 25 before running out of candy
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