Police advising to AVOID ALL TRAVEL in Central & Lothian & Borders areas from 2pm-9pm

Why don't you two blow yourselves into another thread and carry on you petty drivel in there.

Everyone else is interest in the bad weather. :)

You two who?

Robbie and I have already got to the bottom of my misunderstanding and that's that.

And frankly I'll post in response to people where I want and when I want and what I want within the rules, don't like it don't read it.

There is an edit war going on that page.

"The Met Office issued a red weather warning, its highest warning, the worsest of them all. Some say it was started as the result of Chuck Norris sneezing"

"Thunderbirds have been helping out with the recsue of many scots to lazy to go out into the mild weather to get food."

"It has not been ruled out that the cause of such disturbance is a new Pokémon that has made itself known, there are reports that the cries of 'Weegie' have been heard from the highlands"
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You know from your attitude I'm starting to wonder if you do have some axe to grind against Scottish people. Or am I mistaken?

I do not have an axe to grind. I enjoy England -Scotland banter with some of my friends but none of it is malicious. I also think it's a beautiful country, especially St. Andrews and most of the west coast. My cousin is marrying a Scottish man and his family are all great. So no, I don't hate Scotland or Scottish people.

As stimulate a man says, let's get back to the weather.
Just seen the xmas decorations in the main street in aberdeen blow down, dont think the decorations were made of anything substantial, but it pulled a full brick of granite onto the road which would have done a fair bit of damage to a car, possible killed a pedestrian.

As stimulate a man says, let's get back to the weather.

Fair enough. I choose to believe you and I'll say no more about it.

/changes tracks

I am not looking forward to the idea of going home at all. I'm kinda annoyed they kept the call centre open despite how close we are to the worst hit areas and how erratic our power has been.

Getting home in this wind wont be easy :(
I'd love to see how much power these wind turbines could make if they span rapid.

I think they are locked down once the wind picks up though?

My shed door got blown open :( had to go jam it shut using a big stick lol. It really is big gusts!
I'd love to see how much power these wind turbines could make if they span rapid.

I think they are locked down once the wind picks up though?

Yes, they aren't engineered to take that load and the electrical side of it doesn't have such capacity either. They get shut down in high / gale winds.

Something that will improve overtime with technology and grid improvements.

My shed door got blown open :( had to go jam it shut using a big stick lol. It really is big gusts!

Wheely bins are floating about like carrier bags here...
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I'm happy just as long as Im making progress towards home.
There must have been some precariously fallen trees, we stopped at one point just before Croy,tree scraping on train noise isnt nice..
Lol, so they shut the turbines off when it gets windy? :D :rolleyes:

Yup it's crazy, i think they do have a maximum wind speed operating limit but they can operate to quite high levels but then the grid can't take the extra power generation and in today's crazy world it means the national grid has to pay compensation to the windfarm companies for not being able to take the extra power generation.
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