Enoch Powell told everyone what would happen and they screamed ‘racist” - it’s happening as he foretold.
Vast swathes of the country are now swamped with immigrants and this has fundamentally changed the way we live sadly - but your branded a Nazi saying anything.
London has been totally ruined with these violent parasite criminals who have no intention of contributing or integrating at any level.
Right, because London was never known for crime before dem immigrants. Were the Krays from Albania?
London is ruined - totally ruined and as a Londoner born in the sixties it breaks my heart to see it now - it’s like going to another country - no other country would tolerate it.
Ever been to Spain or Portugal? Full of Brits.
It is time people had a long hard conversation about some home truths and to my mind if you cannot fulfill three key elements when coming to this country then you should not be welcomed and you should be removed.
1. Contribute and no benefits of any shape or manner for five complete years of you contributing to the system you wish to exploit
In places like Saudi and Dubai if your out of work 28 days your out of the country - it’s that simple - none screams they are racist or unfair.
Illegal immigrants cannot claim benefits, refugees have the same rights as native born people.
And people absosutely call Saudi Arabia, Quatar etc. racist because they often are. Particularly towards east Asian immigrants.
It’s time we took our country back and made it a place where only decent people can live
Decent people? You mean White British people. Say what you mean.
2. Integrate fully - if your not willing to do that fully and that includes learning the language you are out - why should the indefinite population have to carry your needs ?
Your a guest - behave like one who wants to stay and integrate fully - there are no excuses not to
The irony of someone that has a Year 3 grasp on the English language demanding others learn it.
3, commit serious crime you are out - permanently and any appeal process is done from their end and at their expense.
As a British citizen I do not want foreign nationals criminal tossers living in my country - it’s that simple, in the same way you wouldn’t want them in your house as guests I don’t want any foreign criminal in my country either - so if you cannot follow British laws you cannot live in Britain - that should be the first basic rule for anyone who moves to this country and NOT having that in place has made us the dumping ground of Europe for every ******, ponce and criminal.
Firstly we are hardly a dumping ground. The UK has around 9 immigrants per 1000 inhabitants.
Malta has 55 per 1000, a lot of them British.
Luxembourg, Cyprus, Spain, Estonia, Slovenia, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and many others have higher rates of immigration than we do.
I know this won't change your opinion, because your feelings come before facts.
don’t believe me, take a walk through Brixton with an iPhone 11 out - it’s ruined and feral scum walk the streets of London openly armed now and untouched
I was in Brixton and Camden a couple months back. I got mugged and or/approached zero times.
We have lost our capital
I also believe that a big contributor to this has been the left wing ********* approach and the criminalisation of child discipline - we now have a generation of tossers prowling the streets who have grown up with no boundaries, no right and wrong and those feral wasters will kill you for a mobile phone or perceived wrong look.
Until we start punishing people properly it can and will only get worse
National service needs to return and prison is the full sentence passed , no phones in cells , no play station , 23 hour bang up and the death sentence for cop killers and peadophiles.
The message would soon be clearly understood and society would get back to being a safer place for everyone - currently it is anything but
Violent crime in the UK has been steadily declining since 1995, seems like your generation were more of an issue.
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