Police officer shot dead in Croydon

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That happens in every town in the country. Scum are scum, regardless of where they were born or what colour they are.

The worst part was the punishment.

What is fitting for this?

He got a further 6 months driving ban and 27 hours community service.

People talk about why there is so much crime, its because punishments like this are absolutely nothing.

Where is the incentive to stop him from driving? The only way would be imprisonment to physically stop him.

He'll never get insurance anyway so if course he will do it again. The best you can do it detain him to physically prevent him from troubling society for 5- 10 years anyway give him time to consider his actions.
You guys should each traffic cops, episode in leeds/Bradford.

Pull over a car with a busted tail light...

Asks guy,: Is this your car


Can I see your drivers licence

I'm not insured

Is it your car?


Do you have a licence?

No, I'm banned init. I messed up.

How old are you?


It would be hilarious if it wasn't extremely dangerous.
So what relevance does that have in this thread??

I mean that wasnt even a great example if we look at the capital, London 40% of the population is now ethnically diverse and rising.
This being an issue and not simply just a thing is the problem.

So let me get this straight - I posted a simpsons gif which got deleted and I was suspended for a day as it could potentially derail the thread with people discussing whether it was offensive or not.... yet AAALLLLLLLL of the rest of this thread is on topic and not a derailment at all? Discussing the negative impact of immigration on this country in a thread about the death of an immigrant? (And thats me describing this thread politely)

Perhaps now you understand the frustration I showed at the time regarding inconsistent moderation.
So what relevance does that have in this thread??

This being an issue and not simply just a thing is the problem.

So let me get this straight? I posted a simpsons gif which got deleted and I was suspended for a day as it could potentially derail the thread with people discussing whether it was offensive or not.... yet AAALLLLLLLL of the rest of this thread is on topic and not a derailment at all? Discussing the negative impact of immigration on this country in a thread about the death of an immigrant?

Perhaps now you understand the frustration I showed at the time regarding inconsistent moderation.

Of course its an issue.

If you were to tell the people of pakistan than in 10 - 20 years time the Pakistani population would be only 40% of the make up of Islamabad and from 6% Christianity it would go to over 50%, and that crimes would increase from this new group...

Or of you are to tell the Japanese that from 98% Japanese today in Tokyo that in 10 -20 years time it could be 40% and decreasing...

Do you think they would applaud that? Would they welcome it?
What kind of an answer is that?

What you imply the Japanese or Pakistani people feel is irrelevant as your answer is simply your own projections.

You could very well be right, they may be as regressive in thinking as yourself, however I truly believe in the oneness of humanity and how beneficial it is to our society so feel segregation is an extremely incorrect view to hold.
So the gist of it is a British born man shot an immigrant police officer from New Zealand and it's somehow the immigrants fault?
Only in GD.
What kind of an answer is that?

What you imply the Japanese or Pakistani people feel is irrelevant as your answer is simply your own projections.

You could very well be right, they may be as regressive in thinking as yourself, however I truly believe in the oneness of humanity and how beneficial it is to our society so feel segregation is an extremely incorrect view to hold.

I feel that in order for your dream to be supported by the majority of the voting public immigrants need to behave better, integrate better, generate more wealth that remains in the UK and realise and accept the jaundiced opinion many English have of what they see as excessive and detrimental immigration, and work diligently to make these fears unfounded. All in all a long way to go yet, in fact things are going backwards so your perceived Eutopia may be a pipe dream in your lifetime.
Only in GD.
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So the gist of it is a British born man shot an immigrant police officer from New Zealand and it's somehow the immigrants fault?
Only in GD.

No. The gist is that a man has yet again been shot by someone with a radically different culture to that held by most within this country. The individual responsible, although born in this country, is the offspring of an immigrant. Just because you move to a new country doesn't mean you don't bring the negative aspects of the one you left with you and pass it on to those you sure or even encounter.

Hence the recent rise in things like gun crime that are imported and not historic.
What kind of an answer is that?

What you imply the Japanese or Pakistani people feel is irrelevant as your answer is simply your own projections.

You could very well be right, they may be as regressive in thinking as yourself, however I truly believe in the oneness of humanity and how beneficial it is to our society so feel segregation is an extremely incorrect view to hold.

How is it beneficial though and if you could explain to someone like me how beneficial it could be, then surely a nation as smart as the Japanese must be an easy audience.

If its such a good thing, then how come so few countries are trying to incentivise this kind of population change?

If it was so beneficial wouldn't governments be fighting hand over fist to diversify their countries ad much as possible? We should all be inundated with offers to move to Madrid or Islamabad to bring more diversity and benefits...
How is it beneficial though and if you could explain to someone like me how beneficial it could be, then surely a nation as smart as the Japanese must be an easy audience.

If its such a good thing, then how come so few countries are trying to incentivise this kind of population change?

If it was so beneficial wouldn't governments be fighting hand over fist to diversify their countries ad much as possible? We should all be inundated with offers to move to Madrid or Islamabad to bring more diversity and benefits...

Really? People are that drastically different in your perspective?

I'm not sure your point about incentivisation. This global mix is a recent progression respectively, I'd say there's still a mindset from days of yore when might made kings, before we became a more civilised world. Now we're seeing some of the more intelligent familial lines becoming prominent in governance so there is hope.

Look at the world today since air travel has become so accessible and economies entwined, immigration is the new norm and will be constantly swinging meaning the whole world will eventually mix.

The major corporations in this world have mixes of people living all over in powerful positions and that's not due to any diversity quotas, that's how the intelligent live in this world. There's no fear, there're sharing of ideas and application, of food and festivities, there're social and intimate relationships... there's simply life.

The crime and disorder which you blame on immigrants is most commonly a result of financial and social inequality as well as a lack of infrastructure and resources to provide a chance at a healthy familial life. I've explained it before in many threads.

This violence is not simply a cultural thing, the combination of bad population control with infrastructural neglect has allowed our inner cities to become this mess.

Do some research, and not from news articles specifically written to work you up so they get more money.

I feel that in order for your dream to be supported by the majority of the voting public immigrants need to behave better, integrate better, generate more wealth that remains in the UK and realise and accept the jaundiced opinion many English have of what they see as excessive and detrimental immigration, and work diligently to make these fears unfounded. All in all a long way to go yet, in fact things are going backwards so your perceived Eutopia may be a pipe dream in your lifetime.

Well I think you'll be seeing it rather soon considering the amount of second, third, forth generation immigrants (from the same cultures as those forsaken by the economical and social lottery of life) who are currently smashing it through our education system and in to prominent jobs.

Continue to be exploited by people only out for themselves and you'll stay in denial and afraid, the majority of us will continue to live alongside happily :)

Also, don't fight the future #beigerace

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The races in the UK aren't mixing, they are eyeing each other up with hostility in mind, across ethnic city divides. Your whole post above sounds like something from a sociology lesson given by some liberal with either no experience of the real world or with an agenda to change the class and racial structure of countries due probably to a chip on their shoulder.

Are you telling me that people in every country follow the same cultural values and virtues? And that they are aligned with the values we share in the UK?

Because I just googled, sexism Pakistan and the first source I came across highlighted this:


Don't tell me its because of lack of policing or low wealth. Beating up and abusing your wife or any woman for that matter in this way is despicable.

Now if this happens in 90% of households and you simply put these people on a plane and send them.to the uk, will they suddenly stop abusing their wives? Will they stop FGM?

If the answer is 'no' then you just answered your own question, 'are people so different?' Yes they are.
Is everyone in Pakistan exactly the same person?

Well of course not, but it does say 90% of households so presumably that's quite a lot of people sharing a similar view that its acceptable to beat women.

If it was a low number if people why would Pakistan fir example rank as the 3rd most dangerous country for women in the world?
Maybe the humanitarian library is just wrong as its no problem at all..


Nah don't worry it will be fine. I'm sure thar despite swathes of evidence to the contrary its just a couple of bad eggs giving the country a bad name.
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