How is it beneficial though and if you could explain to someone like me how beneficial it could be, then surely a nation as smart as the Japanese must be an easy audience.
If its such a good thing, then how come so few countries are trying to incentivise this kind of population change?
If it was so beneficial wouldn't governments be fighting hand over fist to diversify their countries ad much as possible? We should all be inundated with offers to move to Madrid or Islamabad to bring more diversity and benefits...
Really? People are that drastically different in your perspective?
I'm not sure your point about incentivisation. This global mix is a recent progression respectively, I'd say there's still a mindset from days of yore when might made kings, before we became a more civilised world. Now we're seeing some of the more intelligent familial lines becoming prominent in governance so there is hope.
Look at the world today since air travel has become so accessible and economies entwined, immigration is the new norm and will be constantly swinging meaning the whole world will eventually mix.
The major corporations in this world have mixes of people living all over in powerful positions and that's not due to any diversity quotas, that's how the intelligent live in this world. There's no fear, there're sharing of ideas and application, of food and festivities, there're social and intimate relationships... there's simply life.
The crime and disorder which you blame on immigrants is most commonly a result of financial and social inequality as well as a lack of infrastructure and resources to provide a chance at a healthy familial life. I've explained it before in many threads.
This violence is not simply a cultural thing, the combination of bad population control with infrastructural neglect has allowed our inner cities to become this mess.
Do some research, and not from news articles specifically written to work you up so they get more money.
I feel that in order for your dream to be supported by the majority of the voting public immigrants need to behave better, integrate better, generate more wealth that remains in the UK and realise and accept the jaundiced opinion many English have of what they see as excessive and detrimental immigration, and work diligently to make these fears unfounded. All in all a long way to go yet, in fact things are going backwards so your perceived Eutopia may be a pipe dream in your lifetime.
Well I think you'll be seeing it rather soon considering the amount of second, third, forth generation immigrants (from the same cultures as those forsaken by the economical and social lottery of life) who are currently smashing it through our education system and in to prominent jobs.
Continue to be exploited by people only out for themselves and you'll stay in denial and afraid, the majority of us will continue to live alongside happily
Also, don't fight the future #beigerace