Police Taser their own race relations adviser in Bristol

Luckily when I got thrown into the back of a police van for mistaken identity it was just that. That's even after I ran from them! (I had 3 undercover police chasing me near a park at night. I thought it was some idiots about to give me a kicking)
He was asked his name, all he had to was give it and there wouldn't have been any bad outcome.

He escalated the confrontation by physically lashing out/pushing police officers.

After they prevented him entering his own home and putting their hands on him and obstructing him.

If you are stop and searched or to held in a kettle, you DO NOT have to give police your name and address. The police will often ask for your details in these situations, but you DO NOT have to provide them.

However, under section 50 of the Police Reform Act the police DO have powers to take your name and address (but not date of birth) IF they reasonably believe you have engaged in anti-social behaviour. Anti-social behaviour (ASB)is defined as doing something likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to others

He was simply walking his dog home like a normal ordinary person. Was stopped for no apparent reason other than being black. Told police officers what he was doing and isn't the "suspect" they were after. They asked him for his name, he had every right to refuse. That should have been the end of it.
Lol at this thread...

I saw the video, the guy basically pretty much wouldn't give his name then resisted any questioning...

What do you expect?

If a cop stops me asks my name, asks to see ID for example when i'm driving I give it then i'm on my way..... I don't see whats so difficult? I know i've done nothing wrong so I don't care. I have actually had cop stop me and question me on the street. Something had taken place and asked me couple questions then I was on my way.

Do people think they're being edgy by being a dick to a police officer? news just in, you are not edgy or cool grow up.
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He is not obliged to give his name or address. He was walking his dog yards away from from his home.

He did absolutely nothing to around suspicion of an offence and was harassed by trigger happy officers on a power trip.

If a police officer suspects you to be a person they are searching for then when queried you are expected to identify yourself. If you don't identify yourself then I'm pretty sure they have every right to detain you and take you to the station to identify you.
So they were searching for a 64 year old grandfather walking his dog home? Other than being black they had no reason to suspect him of anything. They can expect what they want he had the right not to give his name. He had done nothing wrong or done anything to around suspicion of a crime. He was walking his dog home.
So they were searching for a 64 year old grandfather walking his dog home?

Entirely possible, although generally the descriptions police are given aren't quite as detailed as that unfortunately. Old men with dogs are not incapable of committing offences, you might be surprised to hear.

You're trying to spin this into a race-relations issue (albeit doing a terrible job of it) when it needn't be. There's absolutely nothing so far to suggest this was a racially-aggravated incident.
Entirely possible, although generally the descriptions police are given aren't quite as detailed as that unfortunately. Old men with dogs are not incapable of committing offences, you might be surprised to hear.

You're trying to spin this into a race-relations issue (albeit doing a terrible job of it) when it needn't be. There's absolutely nothing so far to suggest this was a racially-aggravated incident.

Personally I don't think this would have happened to an elderly white grandfather walking his dog outside his own home.

As far as the man is concerned he had not committed a crime, doing normal stuff while black and got tazered for the trouble.
obviously just trolling, or dumb, one or the other, maybe both you are.

Anyhow will see where this goes, IPCC are investigating.

Why would I be trolling :rolleyes:

I mean, its logical right, he wont be bothered by the police anymore, and, he doesn't waste their time.

It's a completely win - win situation for everyone. :confused: :confused:
Why would I be trolling :rolleyes:

I mean, its logical right, he wont be bothered by the police anymore, and, he doesn't waste their time.

It's a completely win - win situation for everyone. :confused: :confused:

In this case the only people wasting time is the police officers, perhaps they should be killed to save everyone time. :)
Personally I don't think this would have happened to an elderly white grandfather walking his dog outside his own home.

As far as the man is concerned he had not committed a crime, doing normal stuff while black and got tazered for the trouble.

It's a shame that some people will only see it that way. It rather undermines the very real racial issues that exist within the criminal justice system when any potentially inappropriate use of force against someone non-white is blamed on racism.
Had they actually arrested him or tried to at the point of tazering him. He was threatened it but I couldn't hear any attempt to read him his rights before boom.

Agreed the guy didn't help himself but I do feel the use of a Taser was excessive as he wasn't a threat to them he was telling them to leave him alone
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