Police Taser their own race relations adviser in Bristol

Perhaps they should do some police work

Do enlighten us further to what you understand to be "police work".

So all we know the person who they mistook him for could have been considered dangerous or aggressive.

In which case, using it would be entirely proportionate.

It would be proportionate if he was dangerous and aggressive at the time. The use of Taser could have been avoided in the minutes before it was actually used, but the level of force had seemingly already been set when she had it on display whilst still trying to have a calm conversation. The breakdown in communication is what led to the outcome.
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No wonder relations between public and police are poor though, if this chap is the sort of person sitting on relationship committees but won't even cooperate with basic questions or tell an officer his name to defuse a simple case of mistaken identity. Refuse to say anything and try to run away, definitely the best way to improve relations.
He's not a police officer. He doesn't and never has worked for the police.

Okay not officially but he's a race relations adviser to them so he's obviously involved with them on a professional level, my point being if he has committed the offenses these officers have claimed then why does he get let off just because of that position? if it was your average black man he'd probably have a damaging criminal record on the back of this incident.

Or have they dropped the charges due to the video surfacing undermining the charges? in which case shouldn't the officers face repurcussions for basically trying to cover their ***?
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Looks like the white masters couldn't handle being told no by a black man then got all shooty on him. they arrested him for assault after tazing him in the face, interesting charges were dropped.

If this is what they do to their own race relations advisor imagine the treatment others get. Disgusting.
Looks like the white masters couldn't handle being told no by a black man then got all shooty on him. they arrested him for assault after tazing him in the face, interesting charges were dropped.

If this is what they do to their own race relations advisor imagine the treatment others get. Disgusting.

You may as well just write TROLL POST at the start when you make it that obvious.
What an absolute ****

Why do people act like this? All the police were asking was his name. That is it. People like him just come across as anti-police looking to make some headlines for there own ends.

Personally I think he did need tasering as he was struggling with the police and I don't see why they should take any chances with their own safety.

Act like an idiot get tasered.
I wonder if the person he was mistaken for actually exists?

You mean as opposed to a ghost or something?

Interestingly, just seen this being discussed by a few serving police officers elsewhere, and they disagreed with how the incident was handled and didn't think the use of Taser was proportionate.
Maybe next time when he encounters police with actual guns they'll put a few in him so they won't have to worry about him messing them around in the future.
He is not obliged to give his name or address. He was walking his dog yards away from from his home.

He did absolutely nothing to around suspicion of an offence and was harassed by trigger happy officers on a power trip.
He is not obliged to give his name or address. He was walking his dog yards away from from his home.

He did absolutely nothing to around suspicion of an offence and was harassed by trigger happy officers on a power trip.

He was asked his name, all he had to was give it and there wouldn't have been any bad outcome. Police officers have to investigate crimes, he was obstructing that process. Why?

He escalated the confrontation by physically lashing out/pushing police officers.

What would you suggest they do? Just go "oh ok, can't be this dude, he seems dead honest".
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He is not obliged to give his name or address. He was walking his dog yards away from from his home.

He did absolutely nothing to around suspicion of an offence and was harassed by trigger happy officers on a power trip.

Impressive that you're able to state this with such certainty when the video doesn't even show the entire interaction.
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