Police Taser their own race relations adviser in Bristol

It's a shame that some people will only see it that way. It rather undermines the very real racial issues that exist within the criminal justice system when any potentially inappropriate use of force against someone non-white is blamed on racism.

This is very likely one of them very serious issues so no shame. Stop and search of black men has been a concern for a long time. Brutality against black men is also one of them.
How useless were those two coppers though, the woman especially. God knows who gave her a uniform.

I'm sure the standard of person recruited into the Police has dropped since I was younger.

There's no doubt the rasta guy was also at fault here though. If he works in community and police relations, maybe he should be setting an example and cooperate when stopped instead of answering '**** you' when asked his name.
Looks like the white masters couldn't handle being told no by a black man then got all shooty on him. they arrested him for assault after tazing him in the face, interesting charges were dropped.

If this is what they do to their own race relations advisor imagine the treatment others get. Disgusting.

If I wrote what I really thought about your ridiculous posts i'd probably be banned for a year, so i'll just say that you clearly have zero understanding what it's like to be in that situation, in either role. I hope you stand up to authority in exactly the same way and get tasered for it, you won't do it a second time. :p
This is very likely one of them very serious issues so no shame. Stop and search of black men has been a concern for a long time. Brutality against black men is also one of them.

You're assuming that it's a racially-aggravated incident based on minimal information, yet chastising the police for apparently assuming this man was involved in an offence with nothing to go on.
Why would a race-relations officer, someone who has worked at building bridges between the police and the afro-carribean community....refuse to co-operate with a simple question?

Police see a man who fits description of their suspect. They ask the man his name...man refuses. So police want to take this further and arrest him (doesnt mean he is charged but to continue the investigation) man physically resists arrest so is tasered.... non-story.

Lets put a spin on this....(fictional story ahead)

Police are hunting a known paedophile and see a man who fits his description...but the man refuses to give his name so that naturally stumps any police investigation :D and the man walks away...later we find out that the man commits various more crimes. If only he had been arrested...

Personally I don't think this would have happened to an elderly white grandfather walking his dog outside his own home.

As far as the man is concerned he had not committed a crime, doing normal stuff while black and got tazered for the trouble.

I'm going to blow your mind; I was once arrested on a case of mistaken identity, I wasn't tasered because I simply went to the station and answered a few questions, I am also White. Maybe race has nothing to do with it.
Its bristol, of course it was racial.

Generalisation coming.

You do realise that the local populace of the south western counties dont like anyone else.

Be it other white people from other counties, foreigners, coloured people, anything they are just that way, especially the more towards Cornwall you get.

Me an my wife moved from Lancashire to Somerset, sometimes it like being in rural wales.
Its bristol, of course it was racial.

Generalisation coming.

You do realise that the local populace of the south western counties dont like anyone else.

Be it other white people from other counties, foreigners, coloured people, anything they are just that way, especially the more towards Cornwall you get.

Me an my wife moved from Lancashire to Somerset, sometimes it like being in rural wales.

I don't get that feeling from Bristol at all. :confused:
just wow, at some of the comments in this thread,

that male officer could have taken him down without a taser, he didnt for a reason, there was no reason.

then mrs cop thinks its a good idea to tase him, she will be suspended and disiplined for this, if not losing her job.

end of thread
''It's up to you whether you provide your name and address. You don't have to, but the best advice is that you should co-operate with the police.''
Met Police

That's regarding stop and search though. These circumstances were different. He was suspected of being responsible for committing an offence. They needed to ascertain his name, therefore his arrest was lawful. They tried to resolve it there and then, but he wasn't willing to assist.

I would have arrested him in those circumstances. As soon as his true identity was found, he could have been dearrested.
Bit of a mixed bag this one.

He was being deliberately awkward and could have dealt with the situation much better, but IMO I don't feel that the level of force used against him was at all appropriate.

Without watching the video again, I don't think that they stated he was under arrest until after he had been tasered. If he hasn't been placed under arrest, surely has every right to walk off?
Be nice, help the police do their jobs and catch suspects.

Don't be so aggressive, ya get me blud?

Easy to say when you aren't harassed by the police regularly.

Bristol is a very ethnically and multi cultural city, its amazing. Unfortunately a lot of white middle class officers move in from outside the centre and still harbour racism, be it conscious or unconscious.

If they thought he was the wanted man they should have just nicked him...

The problem is, they realised it wasn't him, but still wanted to exert their authority when they realised, at which point they are just harassing someone based on their own original mistake.

This wouldn't of happened to someone white.
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