police win the right to camouflage speed cameras

oh i see, so i come speeding past a camera (unknown to me) it flashes and i think 'wtf was that' while looking around and probably braking heavily.

thats really safe!
Minxy said:
I was under the impression that these cash machines were actually "safety cameras" so as to act as a deterrant for speeding so drivers know the area is an accident blackspot.

So if thats the idea...how will they be a deterrant if folks are unable to see them? By the time they've spotted the camera its like to be too late anyway and they'll probably cause more accidents while stamping on the anchors to avoid getting caught.

Yup, you are spot on, just watch those accident figures go up...

[TW]Fox said:
Trying to think of reasons why this is an issue. Everyone drives fast in Area A but nobody ever crashes. Whats the problem then?

Exactly what i thought when reading the article. That part just did not seem congruous.

How would the police know there is a speeding problem in an area if there are very few/no crashes?
Sorry I think you have the wrong article, I have the real one:

"Lets put more cameras in and not tell drivers so that we can get more money from them and invest more in speed catching technology to make more money from them! After all the police are set up by tax payers money to take more off them, not catch criminals!!!! Its far less profitable!!!!"

Dont know how long this will go on for tbh, the governments sucking the country dry bit by bit will be nothing left soon lol
because they sit there regularly with a speed gun and catch people speeding no doubt :/
Looks like people will go back to torching the damn things then. At least when they were bright yellow they could argue they were warning of an accident blackspot. A grey cashmachine is a target for arson.
well where else are they going to get the money from that there not getting from the tax from all the smokers that have quit and cut down becouse they cant smoke in public places?
this is just the begining imo, we are going to be taken for one hell of a ride as a motorist.
could we all just go out and paint them yellow again all the time hehe.
anyway who doesent have GPS that tells them where they are anyway.
minidan said:
could we all just go out and paint them yellow again all the time hehe.
anyway who doesent have GPS that tells them where they are anyway.

The GPS only pick up cameras that are in the countys that have a partnership with the local police forces, as far as i'm aware here in North Yorkshire the maps/gps systems dont show any cameras or any areas where speed traps may be installed as North Yorkshire doesn't have a partnership with who ever it is.

IMO it will only cause more deaths by hiding the cameras, and thats not good.
look people, its not a problem if you don't brake the law, so its only the damn dirty crims that suffer - ie no problem :p

oh no, wait a sec... its the average motorist who drives safely yet brakes an abitory limit that has little or no relation to saftey thats punished. Might as well start painting nice big red and white concentric circles on our cars :mad:

custom1 said:
The GPS only pick up cameras that are in the countys that have a partnership with the local police forces, as far as i'm aware here in North Yorkshire the maps/gps systems dont show any cameras or any areas where speed traps may be installed as North Yorkshire doesn't have a partnership with who ever it is.

i was under the impression that the main operators keep their own database with the location of cameras, i'm pretty sure one of them will give you cash / discounted renewal if you spot and record an un-registered camera as well...
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tbh this makes sense really, as what do most people do when they see the yellow box they slow down, but the box isnt there purely to make people slow down its supposed to catch you speeding also. anyhow after you pass the yellowbox you continue speeding i mean wtf? i mean its fine that it does slow people down, but if you know where they are then it means you'll speed everywhere else.

its just as bad as someone having a cctv at their premises and having to put a sign up to show it!
Siliconslave said:
i was under the impression that the main operators keep their own database with the location of cameras, i'm pretty sure one of them will give you cash / discounted renewal if you spot and record an un-registered camera as well...
That's how the DB I use works. Yeah it misses a few, but I can't afford to speed (a lot) at the moment anyway. Having no front numberplate halves the chances of me getting caught too :D.
sja360 said:
tbh this makes sense really, as what do most people do when they see the yellow box they slow down, but the box isnt there purely to make people slow down its supposed to catch you speeding also. anyhow after you pass the yellowbox you continue speeding i mean wtf? i mean its fine that it does slow people down, but if you know where they are then it means you'll speed everywhere else.

its just as bad as someone having a cctv at their premises and having to put a sign up to show it!

You missed the point. Its a detterant.

If you know said premises as CCTV your not likely to go and rob it are you?

Now if you get flashed by a camera because you didnt know it was there why slow down? You have been caught just keep on rolling.

If motorists dont know they are there, they dont slow down t rpevent being caught and therefore are *gasp* speeding and then accidents occur.

There is only one true way to slow people down, and thats to use a method much like sleeping policeman but can somehow keep people at higher speeds without letting them excessively breach them. Got knows what technology you need for that though.


Dont know about them
Dont slow down.

Its that simple.
[TW]Fox said:
Trying to think of reasons why this is an issue. Everyone drives fast in Area A but nobody ever crashes. Whats the problem then?

There isn't a problem, however labour have a massive GNP Debt, o need more taxes... All it is, is a hidden tax...

**** then get a road angel or equivalent..
AcidHell2 said:
There isn't a problem, however labour have a massive GNP Debt, o need more taxes... All it is, is a hidden tax...

**** then get a road angel or equivalent..

The problem is they can't cash in on all the people speeding as they can't put a camera up :p
this is ridiculous, why can't britain take a page out of germany's book regarding speeding? The entire time I was there i saw only one fixed speed camera, and that was in road works. I'm willing to guess that there are less accidents over there too. Got caught by a road side policemen for doing 65km in a 40km zone and it was a €20 fine, pay up on the spot or have your car impounded, and also there was obviously the autobahns on which you are allowed to hammer it to your hearts content as long as you do so safely. Then there are "toll roads" like the nurburgring for if you want to do the same on twisty bits :)

No problems here :) As long as they continue to put them places where you SHOULDNT speed and leave them largely off the motorways I wont whinge :)
Aren't hidden cameras also a deterrent - in that you don't know whether they are there or not so reign in your speed eveywhere?
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