police win the right to camouflage speed cameras

Rich_L said:
Aren't hidden cameras also a deterrent - in that you don't know whether they are there or not so reign in your speed eveywhere?

The human mind does not work like that.....Out of sight, out of mind !
Sin_Chase said:
You missed the point. Its a detterant.

If you know said premises as CCTV your not likely to go and rob it are you?

Now if you get flashed by a camera because you didnt know it was there why slow down? You have been caught just keep on rolling.

If motorists dont know they are there, they dont slow down t rpevent being caught and therefore are *gasp* speeding and then accidents occur.

There is only one true way to slow people down, and thats to use a method much like sleeping policeman but can somehow keep people at higher speeds without letting them excessively breach them. Got knows what technology you need for that though.


Dont know about them
Dont slow down.

Its that simple.

yea i know what you mean and i agree with what your saying, but if all the cameras had sign posts or the bright yellow covers, then you'd end up slowing down at that point then continuing to speed?
tbh your right in saying neither is a solution (camouflaged cameras or the ones atm), only reason the government are doing speed camera's is the fact its raking the money in. if they came out with some sleeping policemen all over the place it'd be a huge investment for something thats giving 0 in return.
custom1 said:
The GPS only pick up cameras that are in the countys that have a partnership with the local police forces, as far as i'm aware here in North Yorkshire the maps/gps systems dont show any cameras or any areas where speed traps may be installed as North Yorkshire doesn't have a partnership with who ever it is.

IMO it will only cause more deaths by hiding the cameras, and thats not good.

I thought North Yorkshire didn't have any fixed speed cameras. I've certinaly never seen one.
Oh well, if we all end up getting banned from driving due to sly policing and end up losing our jobs we can all have a slice of this countrys great benefits system. I'm so proud of our country it brings a tear to my eye ;)
William said:
Well if they keep the Speed camera signs up I am not too bothered.
What, you mean the signs that stretch for miles on end giving no clue as to where any accident blackspots are and where there are no cameras at all?
rG-tom said:
this is ridiculous, why can't britain take a page out of germany's book regarding speeding? The entire time I was there i saw only one fixed speed camera, and that was in road works. I'm willing to guess that there are less accidents over there too. Got caught by a road side policemen for doing 65km in a 40km zone and it was a €20 fine, pay up on the spot or have your car impounded, and also there was obviously the autobahns on which you are allowed to hammer it to your hearts content as long as you do so safely. Then there are "toll roads" like the nurburgring for if you want to do the same on twisty bits :)


This continued "why can't we be like Germany and have no speed limits on Motorways" is totally ridiculous. The pure size of Germany and its road system compared to their population make it a total different problem to ours.

Be serious how many have travelled down the M1 or M25 in the morning? you would be lucky to average 30mph let alone any faster.

This countries increased congestion is the cause of higher taxes and the Police getting away with over enforcing speed limits. Without a significant drop in vehicle numbers expect the problem to get worse.
The only problem I have with this is the 3 points. I don't mind the £60 part, as it was my fault for going over the limit, but being punished by losing your liscence? Not fair at all, but I can see why they are doing it, as it will solve our congestion problem. I also wouldn't mind working at home. ;)
There is a Gatso on the M32 at the moment with a black bag or plastic taped to the back, it's very hard to spot and I only spotted it as travelling on the other side of the motorway, northbound, i spotted the yellow front.

Very sneeky!
Trickle said:
What, you mean the signs that stretch for miles on end giving no clue as to where any accident blackspots are and where there are no cameras at all?

Well yeah, as soon as I see the sign I slow down regardless of if I see the yellow boxes or not.
Tesla said:
There is a Gatso on the M32 at the moment with a black bag or plastic taped to the back, it's very hard to spot and I only spotted it as travelling on the other side of the motorway, northbound, i spotted the yellow front.

Very sneeky!

If that has been done officially it probably means that it is not in service at the moment

anyone?? :D
But the new ones don't have a 35mm film unit :(

Those electronics must be quite susceptible to abnormal voltages, wonder if you could connect a high current device against the metal exterior and cause the electrics inside the unit to fail :)
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