Political Correctness Gone Mad Again

As for "the ridiculousness", what's ridiculous exactly?

I explained it in the previous post....

Why am I expected to take this as being a 'joke' but when similair nonsence occurs in other sports, from the same country, people suddenly start making accusations of phobias and bigotry for pointing out that the metaphorical emperor isn't wearing any clothes and that it's all ridiculous?

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I don't think anyone (or hopefully most sensible people) have any issue with the women themselves - more just the message that it sends. They are well within the rights to take these types of job, and if people are willing to pay them good money to do so more power to them!

er..but thats just it - they cant. The jobs have been banned because some people, somewhere - who arent getting paid for it - might be offended.
I explained it in the previous post....

Why am I expected to take this as being a 'joke' but when similair nonsence occurs in other sports, from the same country, people suddenly start making accusations of phobias and bigotry for pointing out that the metaphorical emperor isn't wearing any clothes and that it's all ridiculous?

You've taken offense to.....something without really coherently explaining what, and now you seemingly throwing all sorts of **** at the wall hoping something sticks to prove this vague point.

So in the quiet words of the Virgin Mary, come again?
The sport shouldn’t be needlessly objectifying women, if they used a variety of models of different sexes dressed in different ways for the role then I wouldn’t have a problem with it but the overall message from using attractive women as ring girls, pit girls etc etc is to assign a value to a women for her looks and present an image to a wider audience which isn’t particularly pleasant or helpful.

Yes on a superficial level women choosing to earn money from being good looking isn’t an issue but when you dig further into it the issues are multifaceted and as their presence makes no difference to the game being played then I’m happy for them to go.
What if the women want to be objectified, whatever objectified actually is.

Who are you protecting and from what?
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