Politically correct term for 'chinese whispers'

The ideology requires that intent is considered irrelevant. Context is also required to be considered irrelevant. Meaning is required to be considered irrelevant. The only thing that is to be considered relevant is obedience to the ideology and submission to anyone deemed to be a higher status group identity than you (or a devout follower of the ideology claiming to be speaking for a higher status group identity than you).
I blame universities pandering to students.
remember when they were all considered self entitled back around 2008-2012....

google there were a lot of studies done on it.
universities are less about education and more about making money, many of them are heavily invested in property.... like student accommodation.

seems they have to make their students seem super self important and pander to there every whim, which has just bread a group of self entitled, jumped up, and woke out of touch people that feel like they hold all the power, because it's what there used to.

journalism is dire these days just constantly people who look for stories on the internet rather than in the real world, professionalism in most lines of work seems to have disappeared.

NHS/police etc constantly posting "me me me look at me" videos on tiktok etc whilst they are at work.

then they wonder why the public are losing respect for them.

the internet has ruined society imo, shame cos back around 2000 it was such an awesome place
Not really most people I know were calling it coronovirus or covid as that was enough to say what it was (whilst "chinese coronavirus" is no more correct and harder to say and the time between it emerging and getting the techical and correct name was really rather short and covid/covid 19 was still easier to say)...

Nah "COVID-19" wasn't a name for it until mid February 2020.. before then, in the media coverage though Jan etc.. it was just talked about as this new Coronavirus, the Wuhan Cornavirus or the Chinese coronavirus etc... Obvs after Feb some people carried on with "the China virus" etc.. (Trump etc..) but before then it was common enough in general.

Example from the BBC in Jan last year - headline uses "China Cornoavirus" despite it already having been given the initial name "2019-nCov" which they acknowledge in the article.

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I guess it's an awareness, educating ourselves with the present day, but I've never known the Chinese Whispers phrase to have a certain side to it. It was always called CW. With talks up-thread about disciplinaries, I can see HR departments dishing out P45s en masse because they were looking for a reason to get rid of someone, and now they have found a 'reason'.

Send reinforcements. We are going to advance.
Send three and fourpence. We are going to a dance.

I also looked CW up on Wikipedia, and it didn't say Broken Telephone (with "redirected from CW" written underneath it) like it sometimes does with their articles when a topic gets renamed. It's still called CW. I also searched for the word race, racist and racism on the article, but not a sniff.
Have any Chinese people actually been offended by the term and complained about its use or, as I suspect is more likely, has someone who isn't effected decided to feel offended for the Chinese which, to my mind, would make them the "racist" because in their mind they don't think anyone Chinese has the ability to complain for themselves which is why they've had to do it for them.
[..] journalism is dire these days just constantly people who look for stories on the internet rather than in the real world, professionalism in most lines of work seems to have disappeared.[..]

Not enough time for it nowadays, thanks to the internet and most people routinely carrying about a camera (in their phone). It's more important to be first than to be right and the internet will almost always be first. With pictures and video.
i'm also absolutely stumped at work when I need to refer to the hole in the end of my penis. What should I call that in this brave (humourless) world?
How is drinking the cool aid Racist?
What even is racism now?
I'm only 40 why has every word and meaning been diluted to meaningless.
Everything is racist and everyone's a Nazi.

Have you seen Jonathon Pie's video on "peak Nazi"? Utterly unsafe for work. Or posting here. Also, unfortunately, proven wrong as the situation has continued to worsen since then so it wasn't the peak. But very funny and, like the entire character (Jonathon Pie is a character created by a comedian) boldly outspoken. So, of course, he gets called a Nazi. Despite being what used to be called a liberal and which no longer has a name since raving authoritarian bigots usurped and corrupted the word and concept "liberal" along with "equality", "diversity" and everything else they hate. Maybe follow it up with another of his videos regarding not-actually-Nazis, "It's a JOKE!". Which is a very impassioned foul-mouthed rant even by his standards.

I'm surprised he hasn't been silenced.
Wonder if we'll be banned from using the term, "Chinese Walls" as well.


Our contracts used to refer to Chinese Walls. They were changed to "Ethical Walls". I'm in the legal team and I still find it odd when I see "Ethical Wall" in the contract. Not had any questions on it from the other side, but obvious from the rest of the clause what we're talking about.
But is it actually offensive?

Every B&B and hotel offers a full English breakfast but most English people eat some sort of cereal based meal... consider me outraged! #cancelcountrybaseddietaryidentityappropriation
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