indeed.... and as i said i aint writing off BL3 at all, just waiting till my concerns are put to bed. (in this day and age there is zero reason to be an early adopter in non competitive games
the patient gamer gets a more fleshed out game, with fewer bugs and at a better price..... I never used to be, I was a pre-order / day 1 on all the games i really wanted to buy, but now that i have probably 500 games i have never even installed let alone played across all my platforms (PC, Xbox 360, wii and ps4 pro) i am happy to wait now for all my games.
I was just addressing someone who was saying they were surprised at the number of folk holding off on BL3. I have my reasons and that is even without me being loyal to steam store.
The only release game I bought was Titanfall 2