Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

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You can hold that view, but if you didn't support people with children who couldn't afford them, what'd be the consequence? Some might not have kids, but loads still would and those kids would be in worse poverty than if you helped.

And that's one of the bizarre things about our society. Want to drive a car, you need to take two tests. Want to own a firearm, you need to jump through hoops. Want to get a job, you need to prove yourself via exams/interviews etc. Want to have a kid whose life you can potentially completely destroy through incompetence - go right ahead!
Voluntary Overtime

Voluntary overtime is where the employer asks the worker to work overtime and the worker is free to turn down the request as there is no contractual obligation on either side to offer or refuse overtime. There is currently no definitive case law to suggest that voluntary overtime needs to be taken into account when calculating holiday pay, but several Employment Tribunal rulings have judged that voluntary overtime should be included when undertaken regularly. An Employment Appeal Tribunal decision is expected in 2017 and may provide definitive case law on the inclusion of voluntary overtime in holiday pay.
I honestly don't understand child benefit/the point of it. Surely before one has a sprog they way up whether they can afford it?

Haha, you're having a laugh surely, well where I live its single mum galore. My neighbour gets 60% discount on her council tax due to being a single parent with 3 kids.... its ok we'll pick up the bill!

I know this because the scrote used our bin and I went through the rubbish to find out who did it, and yes I "returned" her rubbish.
The Court of Justice of the European Union (better known as the ECJ) is the highest Court, which UK Courts and Tribunals are bound to follow. It follows that the Lock decision is now effectively law in the UK.
But why should other people be paying for you (not you per se!) to have a child? It is your choice. A decision which should not be taken lightly. Financial considerations should be a big part of it. Can't afford it, don't have kids.

That kid will likely grow up, find a job, pay taxes and contribute his/her part to our economy.

For a small investment I think everyone sees the most return.
He shoots... he scores an own goal :-\.

Lock was about commission being included in normal pay, and therefore holiday pay... not voluntary overtime.

Nope, its all rolled up as one. You can disagree as much as you want, but you still haven't put a case were a company won.
But why should other people be paying for you (not you per se!) to have a child? It is your choice. A decision which should not be taken lightly. Financial considerations should be a big part of it. Can't afford it, don't have kids.

Maybe because there's a net benefit to society? The reason why we need people to breed should be fairly self-evident in a country with an ageing workforce that's increasingly reliant on imported labour. If the only people allowed to breed were those who can afford children, we'd be cutting an already insufficient birth rate in half.

The reason why we don't want people to grow up in poverty is easily demonstrated by looking at many studies conducted in the US. Where the state hasn't supported people, where they have been allowed to grow up in poverty, there are high levels of crime. This tends to have a higher economic cost than simply providing for children in the first place.
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Me not providing a case doesn't mean you're right... you're either trolling or just genuinely don't understand simple concepts. Which is it?

I think your the one trolling, I have provided plenty of evidence, yet I'm still to see any of yours.
Maybe because there's a net benefit to society? The reason why we need people to breed should be fairly self-evident in a country with an ageing workforce that's increasingly reliant on imported labour. If the only people allowed to breed were those who can afford children, we'd be cutting an already insufficient birth rate in half.

The reason why we don't want people to grow up in poverty is easily demonstrated by looking at many studies conducted in the US. Where the state hasn't supported people, where they have been allowed to grow up in poverty, there are high levels of crime. This tends to have a higher economic cost than simply providing for children in the first place.

Let's not beat around the bush: violence costs more than taxes.
You've repeatedly provided incorrect evidence - eg. talking about the wrong case at least twice, claiming the ECJ had adjucated on the issue we're talking about when they hadn't, claiming a judgement means something it doesn't, etc. I'm not the one asserting that there's a binding precedent, so the burden of proof isn't on me, yet I have linked to eg. the ACAS website where they say you're wrong.

Unless that changes, adieu :).

So ACAS are always right are they? Like I said post up a case where the defendant won.
And that's one of the bizarre things about our society. Want to drive a car, you need to take two tests. Want to own a firearm, you need to jump through hoops. Want to get a job, you need to prove yourself via exams/interviews etc. Want to have a kid whose life you can potentially completely destroy through incompetence - go right ahead!

You are absolutely right.

The amount of absolutely **** and hopeless parents is increasing EXPONENTIALLY sometimes even by the generation. Dumb people have kids, don't teach them anything right or moral, and then they reproduce and it gets passed on. A bit like obesity.

Also for the people talking about the economy (lmao) forget about it, it's already in tatters and cant be sustained much longer, debt is only going UP. Cant believe people are saying a baby born is just automatically a good thing for the economy. More babies just leads to quicker milkage of our resources. Reminds me of Theresa May she also doesn't have a clue about how economics work.
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Exponentially, eh? That's a mighty big claim. Mind you, it's also incredibly vague so there's no point asking you to back it up in any way.
You are absolutely right.

The amount of absolutely **** and hopeless parents is increasing EXPONENTIALLY sometimes even by the generation. Dumb people have kids, don't teach them anything right or moral, and then they reproduce and it gets passed on. A bit like obesity.

Also for the people talking about the economy (lmao) forget about it, it's already in tatters and cant be sustained much longer, debt is only going UP. Cant believe people are saying a baby born is just automatically a good thing for the economy. More babies just leads to quicker milkage of our resources. Reminds me of Theresa May she also doesn't have a clue about how economics work.

One of the worst tragedies in parenting is the generation raised to believe they're intellectually superior while being anything but.
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