Burn all olds imo
Render them down in to snacks and fertilizer.
Burn all olds imo
** Deleted - EVH **.
Supporter of the authoritarian leader who pushed the Investigatory Powers Act through parliament whilst campaigning on a platform of nationalism, calls others an insulting fascist, for stating a fact.
There is no rant I'm just pointing out, if you're willing to elevate the issue of safe spaces to such ridiculous levels, perhaps you are out of touch on these issues too. Still, yet again no substance to your reply, regarding May/Conservative short comings handling Brexit so far!
Can someone who supports May explain this.
First you enact article 50, moments later you call a general election (against your own previous statements) supposedly because you are concerned you don't have a mandate to run Brexit?
I wouldn't call that putting the interests of the British people first.
Today I was stunned (slight exaggeration) twice.Burn all olds imo
what astounds me here is you managed to misquote yourself.TM is gentle and kind, apparently.
Sorry I don't understand.what astounds me here is you managed to misquote yourself.
i mean that kind of disconnect is just impressive.
When you have a fairly large number of hard Brexit MP's threatening to derail any Tory policy unless they get the Brexit they want then that have the gov held at ransom with the small majority they have. By handing in A50 (which is what the referendum was for) and knowing both he Germans and French are caught up with politics until the Summer the best option is to get a GE out the way - hopefully dilute out the hard Brexit brigade with a decent margin that they cant derail any soft Brexit options that appear
Still it was out of the blue but it makes sense (especially with the anthill mob in charge of Labour at the moment giving a double whammy)
Sorry I don't understand.
Today I was stunned (slight exaggeration) twice.
Once on the news, just a few mins ago, as the Beeb interviewed some random pensioner.
"You like Teresa May then?"
"Oh yes... she's like Margaret Thatcher."
"How so?"
"She knows what she thinks, but she says it in a very gentle way. I think she's a bit like me, but more intelligent."
Which translates to, "I have no idea about any of the policies of the Tories, and no solid reason for voting for them, but I've decided I'm quite fond of this May woman." TM is gentle and kind, apparently.
Then earlier I spoke to a young chap (twenties) who said, "I'm voting for Corbyn."
"Glad you're not voting Tory."
"He's not the Tory leader?"
"No, he's the Labour leader."
"Oh. Well I'm voting Corbyn."
Oh yes, this newly called General Election and Brexit pre-negotiations seem to be going swimmingly, I've not heard any concerning mud throwing from our government and/or the people they need to negotiate with, just some "news" that Cobyn is useless, by the way don't mention the chancellor who forgot Hundreds of Billions, we'll ditch him shortly...
P.S. It may make sense from a Personal/Selfish point of view (assuming you are the sort of "leader" who doesn't care to debate or meet opposition or rank and file public) but Nothing you've said paints the actions of May as in the public interest!
Except private companies can replace the military capability we need, they can replace the police, the courts, etc. It's not inconsistent to say that government should only provide services that private companies cannot provide, but it is inconsistent to say that and then to suggest the government should provide services which could be provided by private companies.
I don't think you know any idea what morality is.
You've stated that a rich person should be allowed to keep his earnings and that it's "immoral" to take and spend his money via taxation.
You've then stated that it's perfectly fair for a wage-depressed rural area like Cornwall to pay more for their services than an affluent urban area. And that if they don't like it they should move (would the last non-retired person leaving Cornwall please turn out the lights when you go).
Your idea of morality is backwards.
Or perhaps you believe that a fire service - or indeed medical care - should be optional, and poor people can choose not to pay, but accept that if their house burns down or they get sick they will be left to rot? Because you can't have any social care is it's "immoral" to tax people to provide a social care system.
It says a lot about how Thatcherism has poisoned the minds of people in the UK that you react so viciously to the idea of being charitable.
Anyway, I do. I choose to live in a socialist democracy. I'm not even on the big bucks anymore, just an average programmer wage. I pay around 6-7k GBP extra a year in taxes here than I would in the UK on an equivalent wage.
And you know what? The sky doesn't fall in. It is a better system. Not only am I happy paying more than my share, I get benefits too in that public services are better all round.
I Loled at some woman on newsnight - 'I was going to vote conservative but then I heard the manifesto this morning and I heard the £200 winter fuel allowance they aren't going to give it to the more well off pensioners and I don't think that's me and I think it's fairer but I'm not voting for them now'
I don't think they can be provided by private companies hence it's not an inconsistent position.
I Loled at some woman on newsnight - 'I was going to vote conservative but then I heard the manifesto this morning and I heard the £200 winter fuel allowance they aren't going to give it to the more well off pensioners and I don't think that's me and I think it's fairer but I'm not voting for them now'
The Tories propose a wealth tax and suddenly the left are all up in arms...
i was just thinking that.
this is a very socialist policy from the tories - i'm surprised they are doing it.
I assume that the outcome of the Brexit is of public interest - so with a GE and large margin she gets a choice of soft/hard (and the EU know she has the wriggle room) - with a small margin she doesnt and its hard Brexit all the way (or close to it as poss)
That Corbyn stuff has been going on 12month+ now so isnt GE specific - the bloke is utterly useless (can I caveat that some of the Labour policies are actually alright - just not all of them all at once, with a big blank chequebook. In fact pop your wish in the hat and I'm sure it'll get added to the list of wishes)
As for pre-negotiation - there has been no negotiation. Its just both sides grandstanding before the kick off
Indeed it is the detail that is in the interest of the Deeply divided British public. If you don't feel you have a mandate to see the detail through, what justification can you have for starting the process and then following that with an immediate election?
There is no blank chequebook, the suggestions of investment are costed and considering the UK built the welfare state, the NHS and Comprehensive Education during the post war period, without running a massive deficit, for the Conservatives to suggest cutting all state services is not ideological but in fact the only way forward is economically and historically nonsense.
As for Corbyn in the press, it was no different for Bacon Butty Ed and It would be the same for any non right wing leaning Labour candidate, frankly, when your "free press" is effectively owned by a handful of billionaire immigrant/foreign owners and the BBC charter is up, objectivity is unlikely.
Oh right, desperate Trump Invites, failed post colonial out reach, mud slinging at EU leadership, it's all good for Britain's place in the world and I'm the deluded one?
Three times more money than what today's proposal offers. So everybody paying £3.50 a month would come to the same amount as today's deal. If you are saying that isn't worth doing, why is the house thing worth doing?
You said at the start that BR has been dead for 20 years, so history does bear it out. Services are much better now than they have ever been, stations that were closed during nationalisation have re-opened, passengers numbers are well up on nationalisation figures, quality of services improved. Yes prices have gone up but that would have happened under BR too, the difference is now the whole country isn't paying for London to get cheaper tickets.