Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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If you vote for May now you are directly attacking our internet freedoms. She wants to bring this country down to dystopia levels of censorship. While Corbyn may not be the best ever, surely letting Labour have a handle on things for 5 years and getting rid of May is what is best for this country - there is no changing her mind if she wins.

I cannot comprehend people voting for this woman and her vile social policies.
May's views on the internet are pretty stupid but I don't believe they will happen anyway

I read through some of it. One thing that leapt out at me was two deaths they reported due to benefits cuts. I clicked on these and read more because I wanted to know how it had actually happened. The disabilities weren't what I expected - physical impairment. One was someone diagnosed with "ME" and the other suffered from depression. Neither are what comes to mind for me when I hear the phrase disabled. Both committed suicide when they were told they were losing benefits.
May's views on the internet are pretty stupid but I don't believe they will happen anyway

I suspect they will. Thats the problem, people doing what looks like a reasonable idea and popular with the voters without considering its full consequences.
May's views on the internet are pretty stupid but I don't believe they will happen anyway

This is not a good position to take. She has been hardline about this for years and she will do her damnedest for it to happen. While she won't ever be able to ban encryption, you can be sure that she will get as close to censoring everything she can. Once it is in place, getting it reversed will be next to impossible. Brexit only makes this easier as she can ignore EU laws regarding this kind of thing.
I don't like May, but Labour have a habit of messing things up. They have lots of fanciful ideas without a good understanding of budgets, as usual. The business owners I know won't touch Labour with a barge pole, and ultimately they are the ones employing people.
You either give them a chance, or you deliberately choose to put your head on the chopping block.

It is insane that people in this country willingly choose the block. Have you all gone mad? I don't like Labour either, but I enjoy the idea of a totalitarianism dystopia a lot less.
I don't like May, but Labour have a habit of messing things up. They have lots of fanciful ideas without a good understanding of budgets, as usual. The business owners I know won't touch Labour with a barge pole, and ultimately they are the ones employing people.

From what I've seen of small business owners so far asking questions, most of them fail to even understand what Labours plans are on taxing them.
Employing the people....

Yes they employ people, however that does not make them better than the people they employ. The employer is GREED (well the majority) which is 90% of the problems we are having.

Spread the wealth = better employees, better products, happier people and happier world.
For those who are not convinced that May will go ahead with the internet plans, just remember the Patriot Act. The US is still dealing with the blowback from that to this day.
I don't like May, but Labour have a habit of messing things up. They have lots of fanciful ideas without a good understanding of budgets, as usual. The business owners I know won't touch Labour with a barge pole, and ultimately they are the ones employing people.
Quick q... of those business owners you know, how many of their employees need the state to top up their wages, help them pay their rents, etc...

Many business owners will vote according to what is best for them, not society as a whole.

The Tories are the party of serving corporate interests, we know this. But thinking that Labour would be bad for the economy isn't set in stone. Many analysts have said that currently our economy well become less and less efficient if the wealth gap keeps increasing.

It is better for the economy as a whole to have everybody sharing in it, spending money, than for the 5%/1%/0.05% to collect an ever-larger share, as the trend has been for the last decade.

We actually need everyone to have disposable income, not just the few.
From what I've seen of small business owners so far asking questions, most of them fail to even understand what Labours plans are on taxing them.

I am a director of a limited SME (we employ people also). I fully understand what a Corbyn government will mean to me (us) and are fine with it. The change to minimum wage wont effect us as we pay much more anyway. We already have 4 weeks paternal leave and maternity leave becoming 12 months is stat anyway. Corp tax increase will be tiered so wont actually effect that many SME's anyway. I welcome it.
Care to enlighten then please?

Was about to type it out but LOAM has done a good job of it below

I am a director of a limited SME (we employ people also). I fully understand what a Corbyn government will mean to me (us) and are fine with it. The change to minimum wage wont effect us as we pay much more anyway. We already have 4 weeks paternal leave and maternity leave becoming 12 months is stat anyway. Corp tax increase will be tiered so wont actually effect that many SME's anyway. I welcome it.
I read through some of it. One thing that leapt out at me was two deaths they reported due to benefits cuts. I clicked on these and read more because I wanted to know how it had actually happened. The disabilities weren't what I expected - physical impairment. One was someone diagnosed with "ME" and the other suffered from depression. Neither are what comes to mind for me when I hear the phrase disabled. Both committed suicide when they were told they were losing benefits.

ME can be a very debilitating condition.

My next door neighbour is disabled, has an unusable hand/lower arm, and suffers from severe daily epilepsy attacks, his condition has also lead him to suffer from depression, he has recently been told he is going to lose his DLA as they class him fit for work even though he has mountain of documentation from various doctor's and health professionals stating otherwise, he is now suffering from more attacks due to the stress from it all and turning to drink, and now there is a chance he could lose his flat.

I just can't comprehend how people in our society are treated like this, feel really sorry for him.
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I don't think I've had one single conversation at work about the election it's very strange.
My gf on other hand is super opinionated and gas very strong views.

I've finally committing to voting green.
Yep, it doesn't matter here (66pc tory majority)

Can't bring myself to vote labour.

Shame depending on where you live means your vote might not really be important

The disabled credit cut has gone far to far. I'm all for catching the fraudsters but I'm sure few would say 'you know those lucky disabled and all their free money, I'll swap my life for theirs'
For those who are not convinced that May will go ahead with the internet plans, just remember the Patriot Act. The US is still dealing with the blowback from that to this day.

Yeah sure, the internet is the problem. Never mind the alleged fact that at least one of the London attackers was reported to the authorities on HER watch. What good is internet surveillance if the security services can be given solid gold intel on a plate and then fail to act?
Yeah sure, the internet is the problem. Never mind the alleged fact that at least one of the London attackers was reported to the authorities on HER watch. What good is internet surveillance if the security services can be given solid gold intel on a plate and then fail to act?
Increased internet surveillance is absolutely nothing to do with keeping people safe.
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