Poor Dannii got a perpl foot :(

21 Oct 2011
I stepped on a sewing needle that someone had dropped on the carpet once. It stuck in the carpet with the point facing upwards. It went in the bottom of my heel, and I felt it hit the bone. That is how you feel sick from stepping on something, Danni from Hull.

I feel your pain, I once had a six inch nail go straight through my foot (by some weird twist of luck it missed everything important and left no permanent injury). Strange thing is it didn't hurt at first, it was only when I looked down and actually saw the point of the nail sticking out of the top of my show that the waves of pain started to hit. Didn't stop the guys I was with creasing up with laughter though as I had to stand there for ages and wait for the ambulance to arrive.
24 Oct 2012
I feel your pain, I once had a six inch nail go straight through my foot (by some weird twist of luck it missed everything important and left no permanent injury). Strange thing is it didn't hurt at first, it was only when I looked down and actually saw the point of the nail sticking out of the top of my show that the waves of pain started to hit. Didn't stop the guys I was with creasing up with laughter though as I had to stand there for ages and wait for the ambulance to arrive.

I once turned in to a claret fountain when I walked through a plant room where some sparkies had installed some trunking and left all the studding sticking out the bottom, burrs and all. Caught one with my head, split my dome halfway across the top. Didn't feel a thing, only clicked when I felt a bit sticky on top and saw the river of blood running down my shoulder. 13 stitches later I wanted to get back to work and my supervisor sent me home.

Here, have a photo:

14 Mar 2011
Completely random thought but I doubt there will be another thread today where mentioning it would seem in-context...

I've been fortunate to never have impaled my foot on anything, and I'm not generally squeamish at all but that bit in Home Alone where Marv is walking up the basement stairs and the nail goes through his foot gets me everytime
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