Positive discrimination

Whilst in Ireland (Dublin) we were having 'a few' beers and a nice barmaid brough one of our blind friend a free pint of Guiness.
Naturally we all happy about this, but also slightly jealous. A couple guys wanted to borrow his cane to go to the toilet past the bar :D

This got me thinking, is this not favouring the disabled and it's positive discrimination?

Does anyone know the law if this sort of behaviour is allowed, say in a workplace? I always assumed disalbed should be treated equally and likewise non-disabled should be treated equally. Is seems not...
  • Normally the Equality Act works both ways. For example it is unlawful to discriminate against a woman in favour of a man, or against a man in favour of a woman.
  • However there is an exception for disability.The Equality Act does not make it unlawful to discriminate against a non-disabled person in favour of a disabled one.

Does this mean that disabled / others with 'protected characteristics' can be treated favourably? The pretty barmaid clearly had brushed up on her Equality Act 2010 (which does not apply in Northern Ireland it seems)

Pretty sure being crippled with a free pint still sucks more than being able to see.

Life's far too short to give a toss about stuff like this.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day!
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Whilst in Ireland (Dublin) we were having 'a few' beers and a nice barmaid brough one of our blind friend a free pint of Guiness.
Naturally we all happy about this, but also slightly jealous. A couple guys wanted to borrow his cane to go to the toilet past the bar :D

This got me thinking, is this not favouring the disabled and it's positive discrimination?

At least your friend won't see what you posted here.
I used to go to the pub after work on Fridays and the barmaid used to give me free food... This happen for weeks, I just thought it was an special offer or something till she left and I was hungry so I asked "what happen to the free food deal?". Was promptly told that it was only me that got given it by the shift manager but now she's left.

Worked out which pub she started working in and went there for free food instead.. lol
I used to go to the pub after work on Fridays and the barmaid used to give me free food... This happen for weeks, I just thought it was an special offer or something till she left and I was hungry so I asked "what happen to the free food deal?". Was promptly told that it was only me that got given it by the shift manager but now she's left.

Worked out which pub she started working in and went there for free food instead.. lol
And that’s how I met your mother. :D
I used to go to the pub after work on Fridays and the barmaid used to give me free food... This happen for weeks, I just thought it was an special offer or something till she left and I was hungry so I asked "what happen to the free food deal?". Was promptly told that it was only me that got given it by the shift manager but now she's left.

Worked out which pub she started working in and went there for free food instead.. lol

Tell me you at LEAST offered to buy her a meal in return!
1 positive example does not say much about the reality.

I worked in the same department as a deaf man for 10 years and near on everyone except for me would refer to him as "deffie" behind his back.
And that included management.
Tell me you at LEAST offered to buy her a meal in return!
No.. sadly not... She was very cutie as well; not sure why I didn't try with her.

And that’s how I met your mother.
And kids, that's how I went from being 12 stone to being 14 stone...
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At my work place, you can get a scholarship and career mentoring program only if you fall into certain "ethnic minority backgrounds". (We used to use the term BAME, but apparently this is how you now refer to it correctly in 2024). We also aim to have a certain percentage of said people in certain roles, as well as a certain percentage of women in certain roles.
This got me thinking, is this not favouring the disabled and it's positive discrimination?
do you know 100% that she never buys sigh enabled people a drink?
Maybe she just liked the guy and isnt put off by him being blind, which usually means partially sighted

At my work place, you can get a scholarship and career mentoring program only if you fall into certain "ethnic minority backgrounds".
I hate this kind of crap, there's just as many white people if not more in poverty who could use a hand up too, buy they get totally ignored by society based on the colour of their skin
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well errr it could mean , i feel sorry for you here's a drink and could be seen as patronising or i acknowledge you have probably had a pretty tough time navigating (literally) life here's a drink as a small token of my admiration , where does it stop though, 1 leg , big nose, just plain ugly............ect ect ect
Are we going to get jealous of kids getting a lollipop at the doctor's now?

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Exhibit A m'lud

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