Possible issues at work

22 Nov 2006
TBH even if it's mentioned in the contract, you may still win a legal challenge against them for unpaid work. This happened to my previous employer. The courts don't look on it favourably and can see it as exploitation (especially if the guy in charge is taking home a fat wedge every month).

Oh btw, you can opt back in to the workers time directive any time you want (simply inform them in writing) and there's nothing they can do about it. It perfectly above board to sign the opt out to get the job, then immediately get back in to cap your hours at 48 :D
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13 Feb 2012
OP works 235 hours and gets paid for 235 hours.

This whole "not getting paid overtime" is very miss leading.

OP you are getting paid overtime, you are just not getting an increased hourly rate for the overtime you are completing.

If you only want to work your contracted hours then sign back up for the working hours thing and only work your contracted hours.

If you get paid for the work you do, there isn't really much to complain about.
26 Dec 2005
I'm an expert on this subject. This is the right answer. (below)

It's called 'Working Time Directive'. It's a piece of European legislation so your employer cannot avoid asking you to sign it or not.

You can opt in or opt out. Obviously, it's frowned upon to opt out in most jobs.

It's not connected to overtime pay at all. The fact you've worked 235 hours or whatever many hours is just down to your market and your job and your employer and how much they need you or don't etc. If you feel like you're working too much you can quit, speak to them about it etc but contractually you don't have a leg to stand on and there's no discourse for further remuneration.

It's just part of life and most employers will expect you to sign it. It's pretty standard in the UK.

If you work in certain sectors such as with vulnerable people / healthcare you cannot opt out at all.

People providing some real naff advice on this thread.
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