I do agree that boomers have been a significant election voting block.
But I don't think that's quite right about the EU. A boomer is someone born between 1946 and 1964. Only those born between 1946 and 1957 would have been eligible to vote in the referendum (which was actually for a common trading block rather than political union back then, hence the original name of the Common Market vs today's name of the European Union). Only boomers aged between 18 and 29 years old would have been eligible to vote (any older and they would not be a boomer, any younger and they could not vote). So only half of the boomers would have been able to vote in the referendum and the outcome of that vote would have been mostly influenced by the voting habits of the generation before boomers.
Then we look at the percentage of eligible voters in 2016 for the Brexit vote. I don't have exact figures from 2016 but I did find a graph from 2018 so will use that. I've added a green line above the 18 year age group. Anyone above that line could obviously vote. I've then drawn a green box around the 1946 to 1964 boomer generation. It can be seen that there were more non-boomers who were eligible to vote than there were boomers.
So in both cases, to take us in to the Common Market, and to take us out of the EU, boomers were nowhere near being a majority of voters. They were outweighed by everyone else.
EDIT: Interested to hear that boomers were the least in favour of joining the common market. Is there something I can read about that?