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Possible Radeon 390X / 390 and 380X Spec / Benchmark (do not hotlink images!!!!!!)

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Yeh but 4Gb, you can tell by a lot of the posts that many are shocked and disappointed its only 4Gb, will have to hope that somehow 4Gb of HBM is MAGICRAM, we shall see. :D
Yeh but 4Gb, you can tell by a lot of the posts that many are shocked and disappointed its only 4Gb, will have to hope that somehow 4Gb of HBM is MAGICRAM, we shall see. :D

It's not 4Gb, it's 4GB. Just keep in mind it's a big difference.

Also very likely we are going to see more than 4GB at one point considering that 4GB is not enough for the professional GPU market.
Reworked chips being sold, I see no problem with that.


Like we stated back a thousand pages before.

If it's just bumps on the clocks with a watercooler and gddr5 then it's a rebrand.
If it's architecturally reworked ie gcn 1.2 tonga front end, or just gcn 1.1 but with redrawn lithography to improve clock headroom, or even moved from tsmc onto gf28shp
then it's reworked. It's clear just like tonga that amd were banking on the 20nm node to make a tahiti and hawaii replacement, but were caught out by it.
Yay, no rebrands! With the 390/390X at least. The Fury (should've been called Zeus >:c) is an interesting card, but what interests me more are the cards to compete with the 970/980. I.e. the 390/390X and maybe 380X. Grenada better be good. The technology can only go forward and is only worthwhile is they offer better price to performance than current tech. Think how expensive graphics cards would be now if the price scaled with performance.

So... they have to beat the 970/980 for the same or lower price. At the very least, Nvidia may have to lower prices of their cards a tad to remain competitive. Especially the 980, the measly price drop after the 980ti almost isn't worth it. Cheapest cards are really £400 (yeah I know there are £390) and the most expensive 980 is £600. Which is dumb since one can get a 980ti for £540.

If AMD can't push price to performance, then it's game over. Heck if Fiji ends up going up against 980 at a good price point, I'd be happy and might even buy one. Right now I have to choose between 970/980/390/390X or whatever AMD puts up against those Nvidia cards. And if those rumours of the rebrands being more expensive than the existing AMD lineup without performance gains are true... RIP AMD. So with that in mind, AMD can't be that dumb, they must have a reason for not releasing the cards below Fiji by now.
I expect both sides to say they have the fastest cards, they will simply have different tests in which their particular card is fasted
The RAM issue makes sense for those running at anything above 1080p. I wouldn't be too concerned if I were buying one as that happens to be my resolution, and my GTX780 lasted me 18 months before it started seeing VRAM limitations which was around upgrade time anyway (as I've stated a few times this was staved off by receiving a 970 during an RMA process). I guess the same would apply to many 1080p players. However, AMD have been targeting 4k as of late so it does seem somewhat insufficient in that light especially when compared to the competition. Having said that it's better to release a 4GB card than to have no competitive high-end card at all and then release an 8GB variant when it's ready. I just can't wait to read about a new architecture and see some real competition again.
4GB should be alright up to 1440p. It has been so far with my Crossfire 290Xs.

Crossfiring a pair of Furies would make little sense, though, as there wouldn't be enough VRAM to satisfy the GPU power. Similarly, a single Titan X is likely to run out of GPU grunt before it needs to draw on 12GB VRAM.

2-3 Titan Xs in SLi is likely to remain the sweet spot for ultra-enthusiasts for a while yet.
Or that, i'm not going to jump in yet though, can't be too hasty. :p

I know where you're coming from, but believe me as an ex-295x2 owner I'd rather be on my current side of the fence at least for the time being :) It's reallllllllly nice having regular driver updates and games just......work :D

I just can't seem to fault my 980's tbh, they fly in games with the odd setting knocked down in 4k but tbh I've decided to stick to 1440p and have everything maxed instead (with older games at 4k) :cool:
Yeah, I suppose the problem is that the Fury will likely be marketed at the top end and 4K performance, where 4GB isn't quite enough.

I'm thinking 1440p should be sweet on a single Fury, though.
I'm thinking 1440p should be sweet on a single Fury, though.

Whichever way you look at it 4gb is disappointing. I don't think 4gb is enough for 1440p (or won't be over the expected lifespan of the card). In the vast majority of cases it'll be enough but it's the perception that it's not enough that's bad news for AMD. It's perception that sells cards, not necessarily reality.
I know it matters very little to most users here but I'm wondering what the card with HBM will be like for extreme users as in LN2 cooling as not all memory likes going cold so this could be potentially a problem with the chips being next to the die, only time will tell...
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