I enjoy Khaan's UE pictures. The posing one is quite unusual compared to his normal ones which are very good.
It would be most probably because it's not my photograph Knubs

I enjoy Khaan's UE pictures. The posing one is quite unusual compared to his normal ones which are very good.
Didn't see your post up there. I get that, but I just find it amusing. My information was not inaccurate, nor have I ever failed to get in there. I just find the entire online community relating to urban exploring, and the people that take it so seriously, entirely hilarious. You're one of them.
Didn't see your post up there. I get that, but I just find it amusing. My information was not inaccurate, nor have I ever failed to get in there. I just find the entire online community relating to urban exploring, and the people that take it so seriously, entirely hilarious. You're one of them.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and your one is perfectly fine but all I'll say is I take all my photo work seriously in equal amounts, just because some people consider it (urbexing) to be a whole bunch of guff doesn't mean I'm going to treat my work like guff!
Just look at my urbex work on my website and you'll see it's taken pretty seriously but all for good reason.
Also, I forgot to mention something about your Sunday AM comment, sorry but unlike your good self some of us have jobs on a weekday and are occupied with other things on Saturdays.
I'd rather Urbex than be a miserable ****.
Hmm okay,
So what exactly are you doing here then other than to attempt to be a rude bumder to people?
I said very few. There are some.
However, that is utterly unrelated to what I just said. I think I've made my position pretty clear. I've got nothing against you personally, I just find people who take 'Urbanex' seriously laughable. Get over it.
I said very few. There are some.
However, that is utterly unrelated to what I just said. I think I've made my position pretty clear. I've got nothing against you personally, I just find people who take 'Urbanex' seriously laughable. Get over it.
Khaaaaan, did you ever see Cane Hill ?
Its a naive attitude to have, many of them are totally pro-restoration and advocate protection of the many buildings in the UK that are at risk of loss from demolition and redevelopment. Redevelopment is not a bad thing if done sympathetically. For some its a pure passion for buildings and for others its a hobby, why would you find someone's love of a cause "funny" ?
I've loved buildings for nearly as long as I can remember and have been in many places that people cant get to, I also earn a good living from it, is that laughable also ?
and Khaan seems like one of them judging from the set