*** Post A Picture Of Yourself Thread *** (But Not Thorpy or Shayper)

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Janesy B: A lot. Ive done a lot of urban exploring myself, although I refuse to call it that and its for a different reason. Don't think you know anything about me because I made some flippant insult on an internet forum, its pretty stupid.

You don't know anything about Khan and judging him by one pic on an internet forum.. How about practising what you preach?
I am judging him from his photograph, the way it is taken, what he is doing in it, his pose, and his subsequent posts. You are trying to make real life judgments about me based on nothing, besides the fact that I find your friend unintentionally funny.
Well it's good to see that I don't urbex like you, scoffing at everyone and only having time for very few people.

People are judged by their actions and words and how they treat others, not by how they are posed by a photographer in a photograph.

Let's see,
You're saying that I'm a rebel who breaks into places, poses like a bad m*********** in a photo and then has an attitude and ego.


Can you even begin to see where you've started to go wrong and then proceeded to dig your hole even deeper?

Anyone looking at this standing back can see that a hypocrite of the highest order is what you are I'm afraid. Best get down off your horse while you still can chap.
Does your bottom get a bit upset at the ammount of rubbish that comes out of your mouth?


Cane Hill looks amazing. Would be fantastic to wander around with some infomation about what happened there / people who who stayed.

/back on track.

No Thorpy pics? :(

[color=yellow]You post enough 'poo' on the forums as it is, behave


Pic of me turned into a sketch
Below: Normal(ish) lol

Let's get straight to the point Laylah. PM me your phone number ;)
WOW! :eek: That is something you don't see on here every day!

and another WTF! moment, magick of all people chatting up a girl on the internet!! :eek:
I just have very little time for a lot of people.

So why don't you just concentrate on interacting with the people you do like rather than spewing your contemptuous bile all over those you don't?

Considering you have so little time for Khaaaan!, you seem to be devoting a lot of it towards him in this thread.

I suspect what has really happened here is that you've attempted to be nonchalant about your irrational hatred for people who do fun stuff but have become so incensed over your compromised persona that you're unable to let it go. Shame really.

And yes, I'm aware of the irony of my previous post now that I'm directing posts at you. S'ok, things will be back to normal in no time. Well.. about now.
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