*** Post A Picture Of Yourself Thread *** (But Not Thorpy or Shayper)

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So why don't you just concentrate on interacting with the people you do like rather than spewing your contemptuous bile all over those you don't?

Considering you have so little time for Khaaaan!, you seem to be devoting a lot of it towards him in this thread.

I suspect what has really happened here is that you've attempted to be nonchalant about your irrational hatred for people who do fun stuff but have become so incensed over your compromised persona that you're unable to let it go. Shame really.

And yes, I'm aware of the irony of my previous post now that I'm directing posts at you. S'ok, things will be back to normal in no time. Well.. about now.

Yeah, hit the nail on the head :rolleyes:

Loving how people are jumping to all sorts of conclusions about me simply from me laughing at someone.. How far wrong you all are. The fact that you actually can't see my point merely proves that you know nothing about what you are talking.

Pic of me turned into a sketch
Below: Normal(ish) lol

My willy feels funny. What does it mean?
Yeah, hit the nail on the head :rolleyes:

Loving how people are jumping to all sorts of conclusions about me simply from me laughing at someone.. How far wrong you all are. The fact that you actually can't see my point merely proves that you know nothing about what you are talking.

Can someone please sum up this MotherMayI/Khaaaan! arguement for late-comers please? I really need to know which one to side with :D
Khaaaaaaaaaaaan posted a shot of himself and a friend in an action man style pose in an old abandoned place. MotherMayI didn't like this.
Haha, for a student house it is a pretty nice bathroom yea :p

Sorry :D

@ MotherMayI

Still being that supreme student who thinks the only reason i have friends is because i attend uni? Something like that... ;)
Khaaaaaaaaaaaan posted a shot of himself and a friend in an action man style pose in an old abandoned place. MotherMayI didn't like this.

This is correct.

That you're nearly as classy as magick :p

MotherMayI doesn't like fun.

This is not correct.
It shows not only how little you know about me and how wrong your jumped up conclusions are, but how little of the thread you have actually read. If exploring abandoned buildings is your definition of 'fun', then I have done plenty, like I said earlier in the thread.. I'd be willing to guess I've been to an equal amount of sites as Khaan, if not more. You have obviously wildly misunderstood what I am saying.

Haha, for a student house it is a pretty nice bathroom yea :p

Sorry :D

@ MotherMayI

Still being that supreme student who thinks the only reason i have friends is because i attend uni? Something like that... ;)

You're not remembering my reasons for finding you funny entirely right, but yeah - Hiya.
This is not correct.
It shows not only how little you know about me and how wrong your jumped up conclusions are, but how little of the thread you have actually read. If exploring abandoned buildings is your definition of 'fun', then I have done plenty, like I said earlier in the thread.. I'd be willing to guess I've been to an equal amount of sites as Khaan, if not more. You have obviously wildly misunderstood what I am saying.

Well..you initially said you don't like urbex exploring or what have you...which is fine

But then you carried on waffling, however so dd everyone else

So meh
tbh that photo is a bit... naff, and led me to think the people in it are taking things a bit too seriously also.

Whilst that may have been a "joke" shot or whatever, basing an opinion on just that one shot would lead me to a similarish conclusion tbh.
Sorry, you're a barrel of laughs.

Yeah, because the phrasing of that post was entirely serious :rolleyes:

Khaaan - I don't take edgy urban photos. I don't even own a camera. I like exploring places, I do it for my own fun, not to post up poncy photos of myself posing like a bad man on internet forums.

Delvis - I never said I dont like urban exploring, I said I don't like the sort of people who take it very seriously, take photos like that, and post on the internet about OMG THEIR CLOSE ESCAPE FROM THE LAW after getting asked to leave an abandoned hospital by an aging Securitas employee.
Delvis - I never said I dont like urban exploring, I said I don't like the sort of people who take it very seriously, take photos like that, and post on the internet about OMG THEIR CLOSE ESCAPE FROM THE LAW after getting asked to leave an abandoned hospital by an aging Securitas employee.

Hence this:
Well..you initially said you don't like urbex exploring or what have you...which is fine

Which is fair enough.

However, it is a post a picture of yourself thread, so hey :p
So you just explore (if even that, since you don't take it seriously it must be just for the lulz) derelict places for the sake of doing it and not taking any pictures because you think it's pointless taking it seriously? The very fact that most of these places are amazing for photographic documentation makes me wonder wtf you're going on about and what was said above about you:

Raikiri said:
Sorry, you're a barrel of laughs.

Is valid.

I'm sorry but you don't seem to have a clue or vague interest about photography going by your posts and you're going all on the offensive saying people who do take it somewhat seriously are ponces. I bet you have great aspirations to do creative things in the future WHEN YOU GROW UP. (not).
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