[POST PROCESSING] Edit the RAW thread

bigger one

You like my edit?
I thought he was being sarcastic, but I see nothing offensive to me eyes in your edit!


The thumbnail has screwed it up, so click the second one for a better quality. I turned it into some sort of model shoot? :p
Added a bit of vertical lens correction, can you spot it?
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I know editing is entirely a personal thing but why do I see more and more people editing portraits in the washed out, hazy & de-saturated style such as the above?

I personally have never liked this way of editing and have always liked colours to punch me in the face and blacks to be black and not grey.

Just wondering as it seems a lot of people in this thread alone have chosen to edit it in the same way?
I guess it goes in phases. You might like Jared Polin on YouTube. Boomify.
Personally, I don't mind it. There's a time and place for any type of processing and I won't limit myself to any kind of style.
Loving these...

Downloaded them all and will give them a bash when I can later (should have a sneaky 30 mins whilst my experiment is running to have a go on my laptop :p )
It doesn't look as good as I initially thought, but here's my effort on the latest pic. I'll eventually get around to the others.

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I know editing is entirely a personal thing but why do I see more and more people editing portraits in the washed out, hazy & de-saturated style such as the above?

I personally have never liked this way of editing and have always liked colours to punch me in the face and blacks to be black and not grey.

Just wondering as it seems a lot of people in this thread alone have chosen to edit it in the same way?

A lot of this kinda stuff goes through phases, just like fashion. Something or someone changes direction, takes off, filters down to the masses, everyone does it, everyone gets bored, by which point the direction is changed and the cycle starts again.
For me it depends on the picture itself. A girl wandering around a field looking for a vase probably justifies that de-saturated, ethereal look whereas a toddler with her favourite toy I personally would go for more vibrance and contrast.
This one took a bit more work as you can see it is out of focus.
Adjusted white balance, lots of cloning and sharpening and straightened it a bit.

E. by Clwn, on Flickr
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Sorry if this is wider than the forum width. Needs a larger version to see the work.


This is very similar to the effects I have been working to get... I've got a very blue tinge on mine though (will get it uploaded soon, i'm just a bit lazy :p hehe)
7iKWw.jpg As usual, click the picture for the RAW.

Richmond Park. by Clwn, on Flickr

Right. Cloned out some of the orange bush in the foreground and the tree at the top. Made the image slightly warmer and more contrasty. Turned down some saturation because it was just too harsh. Finished with a tiny bit of vignetting.
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