Post your allotment!

16 Oct 2007
I don't think this quite fits in the garden thread..?

I'm truly embracing my middle age and have just got a small allotment. I'm very much a beginner and would love to see your allotments, any advice, tips & tricks etc

Here's our starting point (cleared a LOT of weeds to get to this point).
There is an established little apple tree as you can see, and the back right is thick with raspberry bushes

I'm planning to re-lay weed suppressing fabric down and probably add stone chippings to the path
Built a 3ft fence around the plot
Add a small greenhouse at the back
Add a pallet composter for the bulk of the cut back stuff and leave for a year
Add a couple of hot composters for ongoing maintenance

Obviously this is very late in the season but would appreciate any over-wintering tips for bed preparation, any winter veg possible, etc

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21 Apr 2003
South North West
Looks like you're gonna need a bigger bag of compost! Looks kind of not-small to me, but then I only started growing a few things in the back garden this year, and have already realised what an undertaking it can be. I may retreat back to the greenhouse, growing mainly tomatoes, next year. :D Having said that, trying to make things work in a cramped space makes things hard work in a different way. That looks like hard work in all the usual ways though!

Best of luck. May the slugs and cabbage whites be kind to you.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
If your not growing over winter then cover the beds with cardboard and weight it down.
It will stop a lot of seeds blowing onto them and anything organic on the top will rot down.
You can leave a layer of what you have chopped back under the cardboard the worms etc will pull it down and compost it into your soil.

You can also dig one out a bit and put the stuff to rot down into that bed.

You could still get away with some stuff that grows potentially late into the season. Runner beans one that springs to mind.

A lot will depend on how late into the season we go before we get proper cold weather.
With climate change what it is thats been creeping later and later so its not completely too late to try to get some stuff in.
14 Jan 2018
If you're in the south there's still plenty of time to plant stuff for this year. Carrots, beetroots, lettuces I'm still sowing but we rarely get frost here though especially before December. In the late autumn ill be getting in some garlic and onions.
19 Dec 2002
If you're in the south there's still plenty of time to plant stuff for this year. Carrots, beetroots, lettuces I'm still sowing but we rarely get frost here though especially before December. In the late autumn ill be getting in some garlic and onions.
hmm garlic ....dont know what i do wrong but 3 years of trying about had it with garlic feel like i may as well plant money grrrrrrrrrrrr. ny way wont hijack thread, but that allotment is still about twice the size of my planting area.
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