Post your christmas bonus

vouchers that my wife nicked, no-one else got bonuses at all this year but apparently the CEO got over £150k... if that doesnt make us more loyal I dont know what will :mad: oh and for the record we all worked our nuts off
Syk3 said:
My Dad got £56,000 before Tax.. + a pay rise :(

Edit: trying to convince him to get a new C2D Set Up along with the Plasma & Rolex he is getting :(

Why the unhappy face?

Oh, and its post your Xmas bonus ;)
The company I work for has an annual turnover of £14Billion and my Christmas bonus was ............. a tin of biscuits.

Nice ones from M&S though. :D

The performance bonus gets paid out around April. It looks like the dept and business targets were both met this year. :)
Pumpkinstew said:
The company I work for has an annual turnover of £14Billion and my Christmas bonus was ............. a tin of biscuits.


It couldve been worse: they might've gotten you a can of baked beans instead.
We get a performance bonus of up to 10% which is profit based, if we make very good profit we get more %.
We did not quite max the bonus this year so I got around £3k before tax.
I don't expect we'll get anything next year as next year is more of a research year than a product selling year for us.
Case of Stella from my boss and thats it

Ive never had a christmas bonus from any job but I did win £250 in a game of cards at my first full time job my boss gave us a £25 each and we played cards til someone had all of it, and lucky it was me :D never had any luck like that since tho :(
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