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Whilst that Jag is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful Jags ever made, I can't help but notice the engine bay. Is it just me or does it look like something simple like changing the plugs would be a massive job?
That interior is so bright red it looks tacky. And I hate how manufacturers will continue coloured bits (like around the air vents) and then block them off with black making it look like a pattern made from lego. Hell of a car though. :)
So I’m parking up at Tesco earlier and park at the far end. I think to myself “Qih…” then suddenly hear a slight rumbling, look back and a lady is carefully parking behind me.

This morning I saw a guy beeping at some women for not moving off at the lights quite fast enough for him (even though she was already moving). Then the same guy again make his own lane at a roundabout and undertake someone going on to a dual carriage way, then cut back in front of him. I wish I had a dashcam pointing in his direction :/
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Simply awful.

It amazes me that the owner no doubt drives around in that thinking it's the best thing since sliced bread!
No photos. But yesterday I was taken out in an BMW i3. Was quite surprised by it! Great acceleration, far roomier inside than the outside gives away.

One thing though, was the cabin noise. We got to 100kmh and the noise inside from wind was quite noticeable.

This was coming from driving around in a newish VW Polo the previous two days on highways at 120kmh which I was surprised at how quiet it was!

Considering the i3 I'm going to guess would have been more expensive, I expected better from it? Also on the flip side I expected worse from the Polo!

That aside the tech is going in the right direction. I'd love a go in an i8!
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