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People doing stupid stuff doesn't make it a race. There isn't and never has been any timing, there's no places, no competitive authorisation, no prizes, nothing. Just ridiculous behaviour in and out the cars. Calling it a race is giving it far more credit than it deserves really.

Unless you think that this Gumball is in any way connected to or a continuation of the Sea to Shining Sea Memorial Dash aka the Cannonball? Which it isn't.
I know it's Nasher and I totally understand, but he never said it was a race, he said there was racing, which simply means people doing silly stuff as you mentioned.
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Is there any other way to read what he posted other than him saying it used to be a race?

For the hard of thinking: It has never been a race, not now and not back when it started. It has never been a "cross continent road race" at any time in its 24-year history. It has, however, always been a huge drug bender interrupted by having to drive.
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