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Heres how to fit a silly exhaust to an otherwise standard clio....Cut a big square out of your standard black bumper.

And a prosche, driven by a guy in his early 20's

And another one of these lovely cars.
I wish I had a camera to hand today. On the way back just outside Tescos I saw a 1980s Mk 3 Escort with a huge loud exhaust and a Zetec S badge, just next to the 1.3 Popular Plus badge
Saw some proper christian motoring today from some lady infront of me in a Suzuki Swift, took about 5 mins to notice the "Alpha Course" sticker in the rear window, then another 5 minutes to realise her number plate was "JC 54VES", can't knock dedication like that! :D
I thought they didn't use "J" on the new style plates for the prefix? :confused:

That car does exist though. Brain fart. Do they use "Jx"?
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On my travels today a Metro 6R4 came hurtling in the opposite direction towards Blackburn with the pilot wearing some rather large ear defenders. Hard to the core indeed. Want one.
WAs in London the other day and saw a great number plate. Was on an old white Rolls-Royce, not sure what the model was but the number plate was "007" :cool:
WAs in London the other day and saw a great number plate. Was on an old white Rolls-Royce, not sure what the model was but the number plate was "007" :cool:

OO 7 ;)

The enquiry is complete

The vehicle details for OO 7 are:

Date of Liability 01 01 2009
Date of First Registration 01 01 1987
Year of Manufacture 1987
Cylinder Capacity (cc) 6750CC
CO2 Emissions Not Available
Fuel Type Petrol
Export Marker Not Applicable
Vehicle Status Licence Not Due
Vehicle Colour WHITE
Vehicle Type Approval null
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