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Saw a black Gallardo at the Coast today (Whitley Bay), Tried following it, but it got onto a NSL road and took off. after that i couldnt see it only hear it!
Nice old Porsche




And a Zonda S, nice numberplate



I wondered when taking this photo whether it was the combination of woman + Kia that resulted in such bad parking! This post is shaming you, YR57 YEX, in Morrisons Doncaster at about 15:24 yesterday! ;)[img]

I wondered when taking this photo whether it was the combination of woman + Kia that resulted in such bad parking! This post is shaming you, YR57 YEX, in Morrisons Doncaster at about 15:24 yesterday! ;)[/QUOTE]

Who honestly parks a car like that and walks away thinking "yeah that'll do" ?!?!

A friend has a Targa one of these for sale. Think he's after about 25K. Hasn't got sporty seats like that though. Cream leather recaro looking things.

I've known him 5 years and its moved once. Up to Cheltenham for a £6K service :eek:

Going to have another go at blagging it off him for the day. Its a yearly thing full of promises but he's not quite given in yet :)
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